Community Planning and Development
Program Formula Allocations for FY 2002

FY 2002 CPD Formula Allocations
compiled November 28, 2001

The allocations for both the CDBG Program and the HOME Program include the reallocation of funds recaptured during FY 2001.

Click on your state on the map below to see formula allocations for CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA programs.

Choose a state to see the 2002 Formula Budget

South Dakota Alabama California Colorado Deleware District of Columbia Maryland Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Minnesota Missouri Nevada New Hampshire New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington State Wisconsin Arizona Arkansas New Mexico Mississippi Alaska American Samoa Connecticut New Jersey Guam Idaho Iowa Kansas Maine Michigan Montana Nebraska North Dakota Vermont U.S. Virgin Islands West Virginia Wyoming


Content Archived: April 28, 2011