HOME Waiver Log: 1998

The following summaries provide information on the date that HOME waivers were granted and denied, the State or Local Field Office making the request, the situation which gave rise to the need for a program waiver, and the regulatory citation. To obtain a copy of a specific HOME waiver, contact HUD's Office of Affordable Housing Programs at (202) 708-2470. Hearing impaired users may call the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.

1/9/98 OH Denied the City of Kettering's request to continue to operate its CDBG program (after the three year alignment period) on a calendar year which differs from the consolidated program year of the Montgomery County/Kettering Consortium. A previous waiver gave the City until FY 1999 to bring its year into alignment. (City of Kettering)91.402(a) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr91.402.htm)
2/18/98 NY Granted request to permit the City to use rents allowable under the Section 8 Program for very low-income households receiving tenant-based rental assistance rather than low HOME Rents for 103 completed projects to avoid an excessive administrative burden; all other projects must comply with established HOME rent limits. (City of New York)92.252 (b) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.252.htm)
3/16/98 OR Granted request to allow 60 months from the signing of a lease-purchase agreement to complete property transfer; nevertheless, the Statute requires that the lease-purchaser must be eligible at the time of signing the agreement and at the time of property transfer. (Washington County)92.254(a)(5)(ii) (A)(7) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.254.htm)
4/22/98 MN Second waiver granted to Northeast Minnesota Housing Consortium to extend the deadline by which jurisdictions in a non-urban county must sign the HOME consortium agreement. The second waiver was requested due to difficulty in securing 76 separate signatures for the County's consortium agreement. (Northeast Minnesota Housing Consortium)92.101(c) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.101.htm)
4/24/98 MI Denied request to exempt homebuyers who are under a lease purchase agreement from re-qualifying as low-income at the time the property is transferred if more than six months has passed since the last verification, this is a statutory requirement. (No longer a statutory requirements; eligibility is determined when lease purchase agreement is executed.) (City of Grand Rapids,MI)92.254(a)(5)(ii)(A)(7) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.254.htm)
7/24/98 PA Waived the requirement for a written agreement, because City demonstrated its commitment by a letter from the CD Department to the CHDO accompanied by a specific City Council resolution. (City of Bethlehem)Section 231 of NAHA 92.2 (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.2.htm), 92.300(a)(1) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.300.htm)
8/10/98 MD Granted request to waive a written agreement being executed before a match contribution is made. The City is granted a period of 60 days to execute the required agreement. If the agreement is not executed the City must deduct the contribution from its cumulative match contributions. (City of Baltimore)92.219 (b)(2)(ii) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.219.htm)
9/18/98 KS Granted request to extend the HOME expenditure requirement for disaster funds. The State mistakenly used regular HOME funds instead of disaster funds during the Midwest floods. The State is allotted 60 days to make corrections and expend its remaining HOME disaster funds. (State of Kansas)92.500(d)(1)(c) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.500.htm)
9/18/98 IL Granted request to extend the HOME expenditure requirement for disaster funds. The State mistakenly used HOME funds instead of disaster funds during the Midwest floods. The state is allotted 60 days to expend the regular HOME funds. After the 60 days the balance of the disaster funds will be deobligated. (State of Illinois)92.500(d)(1)(c) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.500.htm)
9/18/98 IA Granted request to extend the HOME expenditure requirement for disaster funds by two months. The state has an unexpended balance it says will be expended once recipients of the funds submit vouchers and final draw downs of HOME funds are processed. (State of Iowa)92.500(d)(1)(c) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.500.htm)
10/5/98 NY The City requested a waiver to be relieved of the responsibility of executing a written agreement with a project sponsor to ensure compliance with program requirements when HOME funds are combined with section 811 funds. The request was initially denied; the Project in question is now closed and therefore a waiver is no longer required. (City of New York)92.508(a)(3)(v) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.508.htm)
10/6/98 NE Granted request for a one-year extension of the HOME expenditure requirement for disaster funds. The State has an unexpended balance that in is the process of being used to monitor projects funded with a grant, complete an audit, and close the grant. (State of Nebraska)92.500(d)(1)(c) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.500.htm)
10/20/98 KY Granted request to dismiss repayment of HOME funds due to cancellation of a HOME assisted project before its completion. The tenant receiving rehabilitation for his house with HOME funds was murdered. (Kentucky Housing Corporation)92.205(e) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.205.htm), 92.503(b)(2) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.503.htm)
10/20/98 MA Granted request to permit the Town to determine 95 percent of the median area purchase price on the median of housing sales within the Town rather than sales within the entire consortium. (City of Brookline)92.254(a)(2)(iii) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.254.htm)
10/26/98 IL Denied request to reduce match requirements for fiscal distress citing that the statute requires that the entire jurisdiction, as opposed to individual communities must meet definitions of fiscal distress. A consortium is considered a single jurisdiction. (St. Clair County Consortium)92.222 (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.222.htm)
10/28/98 OH Grants a limited waiver through the end of the current consortium period to permit the consortium to align its program years. However, all years must be aligned by the beginning of the new consortium period.(Montgomery County/Kettering Consortium)91.402(a) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr91.402.htm)
11/2/98 CT Granted request to allow a secular, non-profit organization to use HOME funds to rehabilitate a church-owned property, to provide ten units of special needs housing for a housing project selected for Section 8 assistance. The HOME funds will be used in the project as a loan rather than a grant during a ten year lease period.92.257 (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.257.htm)
11/2/98 TX Granted request to permit the grantee to use its Rental Rehabilitation Program program income for homeownership activities before closing out its Rental Rehabilitation Program. (City of Fort Worth)511.76(c) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr511.76.htm)
12/15/98 PR Granted request to waive HOME property standards requirements in connection with rehabilitation and reconstruction of housing damaged by Hurricane Georges. (Municipality of Ponce)92.251 (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.251.htm)
12/22/98 KS Waiver granted to extend the HOME disaster funds expenditure deadline under 92.500(d)(1)(C). The State indicated that some housing units damaged by flooding were mistakenly assisted with regular HOME Program funds rather than HOME disaster funds. The State needed extra time to correct this error so that in the end it would be reflected that these units were assisted with disaster funds. (State of Kansas)92.500(d)(1)(C) (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/aprqtr/24cfr92.250.htm)

Content Archived: May 27, 2011