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HOME and Neighborhoods: A Guide to Comprehensive Revitalization Techniques
HUD-2003-20-CPDHOME and Neighborhoods: A Guide to Comprehensive Revitalization Techniques explores ways that HOME participating jurisdictions (PJs) can use HOME funds to meet local community revitalization goals and highlights the issues that HOME PJs must consider when planning for such use. The guide explains why homeownership development is a stabilizing force in a neighborhood and reviews the types of planning, design, and marketing issues that will need to be addressed to successfully develop housing in a deteriorated or declining neighborhood. In addition to issues related specifically to the housing itself, the guide highlights the importance of addressing the myriad of other issues that will have a direct impact on the success of the neighborhood: how to access whether or not local infrastructure can support the development, how to create a healthy commercial environment, and how to work with other public service providers to reduce crime, improve education, and create recreational opportunities for residents.
Content Archived: May 20, 2011 | ||