Establishing and Managing a Successful HOME Consortium

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HUD-2006-08 CPD

Establishing and Managing a Successful HOME Consortium provides technical and operational advice to existing and prospective HOME consortia, and answers critical questions about the management and implementation of HOME Program activities.

Forming a consortium enables local governments that would not otherwise qualify for HOME program funding to join with other units of local government to receive a direct allocation of HOME funds. Working collaboratively through a consortium also enables these jurisdictions to take a more regional approach to meeting their affordable housing needs.

Although a consortium is subject to the same HOME requirements as a local government participating jurisdiction, a consortium faces a number of challenges that other local PJs do not face. This guide addresses the range of issues that prospective and existing consortia must consider, including: forming a consortium, obtaining and renewing consortium status, key HOME regulatory requirements, the responsibilities of the lead entity, strategic decisions for consortium, and the seven habits of highly effective consortia.

Content Archived: May 20, 2011