Housing Rehabilitation
Housing Rehabilitation is one of many Success Stories that have been locally nominated for recognition in celebration of CDBG's 30th Anniversary.
Success Story Details
City of Sugar Land
Field Office:
Ft. Worth (Region 6)
Carried Out By:
Fort Bend CORPS (Community Revitalization Projects)
570.208(a)(3) - Low/Mod Housing
Natl. Objective:
To improve the quantity and quality of affordable housing and to rehabilitate deteriorating housing owned and occupied by low- to moderate-income residents of Sugar Land
Date Started:
FY 2002
Date Completed:
IDIS Activity No:
Grantee Contact:
Matthew Fielder (mfielder@sugarlandtx.gov)
Grantee Website:
City of Sugar Land (http://www.sugarlandtx.gov)
Success Story Description
The City of Sugar Land initiated its participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program in 2001 after receiving entitlement jurisdiction status. Community leaders quickly identified housing conditions in the original town as a critical area for the City to address. Housing stock in these areas date back to pre-WWII times when the area served as a "company town" for the Imperial Sugar refining operation. Currently, they are home to many elderly and low-income persons.
The Fort Bend Community Revitalization Projects (CORPS) organization was formed by a consortium of local business leaders to perform community services in Fort Bend County. One of the efforts that was successfully utilized in other areas of the County was a home repair program that offered repairs aimed at making improvements to the safety and habitability of homes occupied by persons unable to do so themselves. These repairs include such things as replacing leaky roofs, improving handicap accessibility, replacing heaters/hot water heaters, and repairing broken floors. The City of Sugar Land and Fort Bend CORPS came together in the first year of the City's program to bring these services, under the aegis of CDBG, to qualifying residents.
Under the City's supervision, Fort Bend CORPS identifies qualifying persons and determines the extent of repairs required. Next, they contract with local companies to perform the needed repairs. In addition to the CDBG-authorized improvements, CORPS uses private donations and community volunteers to make aesthetic improvements to homes, thereby improving the overall livability of our neighborhoods.
At this time, almost $300,000 has been allocated through this program. As a result, repairs will have been made to seventy-eight homes by the end of the program year.
Content Archived: April 20, 2011