Recovery Act in Action: Impact on the Northwest

[Photo: Breaking ground]Through the American Recovery Reinvestment Act, states in the Northwest have received almost $330 million in Federal resources to revitalize our communities, put people back to work and speed America back on the road to recovery from what has come to be called The Great Recession, the nation's worst economic downturn in almost 80 years.

In passing the Recovery Act, the Congress and the President specified a wide range of activities to which state, county and city governments hard hit by the downturn could apply Recovery Act funds - your tax dollars - from meeting critical capital needs to expanding the supply of affordable housing, from preventing homelessness to helping small businesses gain access to much needed capital. Under the Act, those local governments were given full authority to decide for themselves the specific what's, where's and how's of the projects that would best benefit their communities.

The Recovery Act in Action: At Work in Northwest Communities

Below you will find a series of accounts or stories from the field about the choices that Northwest communities have, to date, made in using HUD Recovery Act funds to address their housing and community development needs, to put Americans back to work and America back on the road to recovery.

Recovery Acts Project Map ( - See Recovery funds at work across the country!


Content Archived: April 3, 2017