FY 96 Act |
FY 97 Est |
FY 98 Est |
P&F |
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Empower communities to meet local needs. |
Maintain FY 1996 percentage of funds used for housing activities, as measured by the number of households assisted3 |
169,100 |
169,100 |
Number of Grantees who incorporate milestones with timetables in Consolidated Action plans that demonstrate progress in improving locally defined conditions in their neighborhoods and communities4 |
Number of jurisdictions that have completed an Analysis of Impediments under their Consolidated Plan.5 |
NA |
NA |
See fn. |
FY 96 Act |
FY 97 Est |
FY 98 Est |
P&F |
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE:Help communities and states establish a full continuum of housing and services designed to assist homeless individuals and families in achieving permanent housing and self-sufficiency. |
US population represented by communities which have developed continuum of care systems. |
80% |
80% |
85% |
Homeless Assistance Grants |
Increase the number of transitional housing beds that are linked to supportive services. |
109,000 |
109,000 to 115,000 |
115,000 to 125,000 |
Homeless Assistance Grants |
Increase the number of permanent beds that are linked to supportive services. |
55,000 |
55,000 to 56,500 |
56,500 to 59,000 |
Homeless Assistance Grants |
The percent of participants leaving HUD transitional housing who move to permanent housing is __%.6
22% |
30% |
35% |
Homeless Assistance Grants |
Leverage at least $1 for every $1 of HUD McKinney Act Homeless funds awarded7 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
Homeless Assistance Grants |
FY 96 Act |
FY 97 Est |
FY 98 Est |
P&F |
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Increase availability to affordable housing in standard condition, particularly the Nation's poor and disadvantaged. |
Initially endorse ___multifamily loans. |
395 |
398 |
FHA:General & Special Risk Insurance |
Endorse ___ initial or initial/final HFA risk-sharing mortgages. |
50 |
45 |
FHA:General & Special Risk Insurance |
Complete initial closing of ___ Section 202/811 projects. |
272 |
350 |
FHA:General & Special Risk Insurance |
Complete final closing ___ Section 202/811 projects. |
282 |
330 |
FHA:General & Special Risk Insurance |
Number of units produced by this appropriation for new construction, rehabilitation, acquisition, and number of families receiving tenant-based rental assistance.8 |
81,412 |
77,200 |
HOME Fund |
Number of new homeowners assisted by this appropriation.9 |
21,375 |
20,500 |
HOME Fund |
Number of rental units produced by this appropriation.10 |
33,488 |
32,100 |
HOME Fund |
Leverage $1.50 in other resources for each $1 HOME.11 |
1.5:1 |
1.5:1 |
HOME Fund |
At least 90% of families assisted for rental housing must be below 60% of median income |
90% |
90% |
90% |
HOME Fund |
Steadily increase the number of PHAs reaching their stated anti-drug objectives from 30 to 90 percent by FY 1999.12 |
NA |
30% |
60% |
PIH/Drug Elimination Grants for Low Income Housing |
Maintain PHMAP incremental score; # of PHAs passing with distinction; # of PHAs passing; and # of PHAs failing.13 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Public Housing Operating Fund |
Improve average PHMAP score to 88.5% by FY 2000.14 |
86.5% |
87% |
87.5% |
Public Housing Operating Fund |
Increase percentage of on-schedule HOPE VI revitalization projects/grants.15 |
NA |
85% |
90% |
PIH - Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing |
Approve 99,170 replacement units by FY 2000.16 |
56,170 |
12,500 |
13,500 |
PIH - Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing |
Increase number of Native American families served. |
NA |
NA |
900 |
Native American Housing Block Grants |
Negotiate an effective strategy for improvement with each entity identified for PIP and fulfill commitments ___ % of negotiated strategies completed in initial year. |
NA |
NA |
75% |
Native American Housing Block Grants |
Approve 100,000 units for demolition by FY 2000.17 |
41,633 |
20,000 |
20,000 |
Pub. Hsg. Capital Fund |
Demolish 100,000 units by FY 2001.18 |
22,428 |
20,000 |
20,000 |
Pub. Hsg. Capital Fund |
Ensure percent of new Section 8 admissions is at very low income levels |
NA |
NA |
100% |
PIH: Housing Certificate Fund |
FY 96 Act |
FY 97 Est |
FY 98 Est |
P&F |
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Reduce the isolation of low-income groups within a community or geographical area. |
Ensure percent of Section 8 families with children living in low poverty census tracts is 40% or more by 1998. |
NA |
NA |
40% |
PIH:Housing Certificate Fund |
Establish a data collection system to track counselee profiles and the levels of poverty in the areas from which and to which participants move. |
NA |
NA |
NA |
FY 96 Act |
FY 97 Est |
FY 98 Est |
P&F |
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Provide empowerment and self-sufficiency opportunities to support low-income individuals and families as they make the transition from dependency to work. |
Establish ___ Neighborhood Network Centers. |
5619 |
138 |
100 |
Number of jobs created as a direct result of use of EDI and Section 108.20 |
175,800 |
264,100 |
Number of recipients who have job training programs and contract award procedures involving Section 3 residents and businesses.21 |
NA |
NA |
See fn. |
At least 70% of funds are used for activities which benefit low and moderate income persons22 |
70% |
92% Ent 98% States |
Increase the number of partnerships that help residents achieve self-sufficiency in each Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community by Year 2000. |
FY 96 Act |
FY 97 Est |
FY 98 Est |
P&F |
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Increase homeownership opportunities, especially in Central Cities, through a variety of tools, such as expanding access to mortgage credit. |
Increase the share of first-time homebuyers in each HUD Field Office by 1% per year over FY 1995. |
69.3 |
70.3 |
71.3 |
Close sale of 95% of single family properties on hand as of 10/1/98 less leased properties plus 95% of projected acquisitions for 10/1/98 to 5/31/99. |
NA |
NA |
Same numeric goals for both years |
Close ___ single family properties to non-profits. |
3,403 |
3,400 |
2,300 |
Increase 203(k) production to ___ owner-occupied loans. |
17,433 |
16,232 |
16,500 |
FHA: Special Risk |
Maintain 95% rate of securitization for FHA and VA loans |
95% |
95% |
95% |
Increase and maintain percentage of multifamily mortgages securitized by 10% over two years.23 |
5% |
5% |
5% |
Increase revenue from multi-class security credit enhancement by 10%24 |
10% |
10% |
10% |
Increase lending in distressed communities by 10% by conducting training seminars for potential new issuers.25 |
NA |
10% |
10% |
Increase number of homeownership approvals for Public Housing residents. |
NA |
6,250 |
6,250 |
Public Housing Capital Fund |
Increase units of Native American homeownership financing guaranteed. |
470 |
470 |
Native American Home Loan Guarantee Fund |
FY 96 Act |
FY 97 Est |
FY 98 Est |
P&F |
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Promote equal housing opportunities for those protected by law. |
Over five years, implement strategies in selected localities to increase the number of lenders and insurers doing business in their core urban areas of high minority or ethnic concentration.26 |
Reduce the incidence of segregation based on race and national origin in public and Federally assisted housing by 5 percent by the end of five years, in 50% of selected localities where segregation based on race or national origin has been identified as a barrier. |
Over five years, measure the levels of discrimination against protected classes, using FHIP and Office of Policy Development and Research funding to carry outmatched pair testing of rental and sales transactions. |
20 |
20 |
20 |
Over five years, conclude model partnerships with selected assisted housing providers, PHAs, CDBG grantees, homebuilders and interest groups that demonstrate successful measures to reduce discriminatory practices. |
Within 1 year, develop and secure DOJ and White House approval for a mechanism to resolve fair housing complaints filed with HUD alleging discrimination by Federal Departments and agencies (including HUD). |
Within 5 years, negotiate and sign interdepartmental agreements to resolve fair housing complaints against recipients of funding from the Veterans Administration, Department of Agriculture (Rural Development Services) and other Departments and agencies who provide or assist housing or provide housing related services. |
Reduce segregation by at least 5% in each HUD-funded project over five years |
Increase number of Title VI and Section 504 compliance reviews by 5 per year over five years |
Increase the number of VCAs executed under Title VI and Section 504 by 5 per year over the next five years |
With cooperation of HUD-funded program offices, implement outreach efforts with national or local minority and disability advocacy organizations regarding HUD-funded programs and information on local participation |
NA |
15 |
20 |
Evaluate accomplishments of organizations funded in FY 1997 under the FHIP to develop a best practices document for addressing racial tension. |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Sponsor and/or cosponsor fair housing conferences, research symposia or administrative meetings on racial tension |
NA |
2 |
5 |
Partner with mortgage bankers, housing industry groups and other State and local law enforcement and civil rights based organizations to develop strategies and short and long term procedures to effectively address incidents of racial tensions at the earliest point possible to reduce/prevent racial tensions. |
NA |
5 |
5 |
By the end of FY 1999, identify at least 10 effective best practices strategies for different types of localities to reduce racial tension, based on FHIP products, surveys, resources from organizations, and input from civil rights leaders and law enforcement agencies. Look particularly for strategies which encourage local community involvement and leadership in addressing racial tensions. |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Reduce the incidence of segregation based on race and national origin in public and Federally assisted housing by 5% over five years, in 50% of selected localities where segregation based on race or national origin has been identified as a barrier. |
NA |
NA |
NA |
In 10 selected cities, identify public housing, HUD-assisted and CDBG programs with potential civil rights concerns. Determine the extent to which Section 8 certificate/voucher holders contribute to metro-wide segregation in those cities and conduct targeted reviews of compliance with civil rights authorities in those programs. |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Within the selected localities, and based on the Section 8 certificate voucher analysis, identify at least 5 metro areas and work with them to develop a plan by the end of year 3, to reduce racial segregation through voluntary strategies |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Develop and carry out strategies to achieve commitments from housing industry groups, State and local governments and other Federal agencies to increase accessibility and visitability for people with disabilities |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Increase the number of Federally-assisted newly constructed, altered or subsidized units in each selected community usable by persons with disabilities in integrated settings offset by units lost through designation of public and assisted housing for the elderly.27 |
NA |
NA |
See fn. |
By the end of FY 1999, develop/modify HUD data systems to capture number of new and existing accessible or visitable units. |
NA |
NA |
NA |
By the end of year one, identify unserved and underserved constituencies through surveys of civil rights organizations, complaint data, and other resources and select at least two for further focus. |
Reorganize by function rather than program "cylinders." Where needed, consolidate and/or privatize. |
Create two Departmental centers |
Real Estate Assessment Center |
Section 8 Financial Management Center |
Create consolidated centers |
Single Family Homeownership Center |
Multifamily Development Centers (17) |
PIH Troubled Agency Recovery Centers (2) |
PIH Special Applications Center |
PIH Grants Center |
CPD Economic Development and Empowement Service |
CFO Accounting Center |
Redesign HUD procurement and contracting functions to ensure accountability while responding flexibly to changing program needs. |
Privatize certain programmatic functions |
Physical inspections for PIH and FHA portfolios. |
Financial audits of PHAs, multifamily properties, and PIH, CPD, and FHEO grantees |
Modernize and integrate HUD's outdated financial management systems with an efficient, state-of-the- art system. |
Financial Systems Integration |
Conduct assessment of current financial systems and requirements; design and install an integrated financial management and information system, including the graphic display capabilities of the Communities 2020 Mapping System. |
Financial Systems Review |
Develop and implement a plan for the review, repair, or replacement of 89 financial management systems in the HUD inventory; ensure that all systems conform with requirements of the Financial Managers Financial Integrity Act and OMB Circular A-127. |
Financial Management Integrity |
Plan and implement a new management system for internal controls, including front-end risk assessments and regularly scheduled internal control reviews. |
Create an Enforcement Authority with one objective: to restore public trust. |
Refocus and retrain HUD's workforce to carry out our revitalized mission. |
Clarify staff functions by creating two new positions |
Community Resource Representatives, responsible for helping customers gain access to the whole range of HUD services and coordinating with HUD program staff in hubs, program centers, and Field Offices performing "back office" processing functions. |
Public Trust Officers, responsible for ensuring that Federal funds are used appropriately and that HUD customers comply with the law. |
Develop and implement action plan for training and redeployment or outplacement of staff to reduce HUD workforce from 10,500 to 7,500 by FY 2000. |
Replace HUD's top-down bureaucracy with a new customer-friendly structure. |
Establish new field structure consisting of Area Offices with representatives of all four major program areas and Area Resource Centers (ARCs), HUD's neighborhood "store-front" service centers. |
Institute new Management Plan process which integrates program and customer service delivery systems. |