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FY 2001 SuperNOFA
Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs

Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance

This NOFA encompasses the following programs:

  • Supportive Housing
  • Shelter Plus Care
  • Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for Single Room Occupancy for Homeless Individuals

  • NOFA
  • Deadline: May 31, 2001
  • Webcast: Continuum of Care and HOPWA, March 16, 2001, 1:00 - 4:00 PM (EST):
    Review of Major Changes to Continuum of Care, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
    Continuum of Care Q&A, 2:05 - 3:20 PM
  • Contact:
  • Application: HUD-40076-CoC 2001 Application
  • Forms:

    SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance
    HUD-40076-CoC Special Project Certification/Coordination & Integration of Mainstream Programs
    HUD-40076-CoC Special Project Certification/Discharge Policy
    HUD-40076-CoC Consolidated Plan
    HUD-2990 Certification of Consistency with the EZ/EC Strategic Plan (if applicable)
    SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if applicable)
    HUD-2880 Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report
    HUD-2991 Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan
    HUD-2994 Client Comments and Suggestions
    HUD-2993 Acknowledgment of Application Receipt
    HUD-40076-CoC  2001 Questions and Answers
    HUD-40076-CoC  Geographic Area Code Listing
     -- Urban EZ/EC Main Contact List

  • Order Application

Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program Coordinators Rental Certificate Housing Choice Voucher

  • NOFA
  • Deadline: April 25, 2001
  • Webcast: March 19, 2001, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Contact: 1-800-955-2232 (voice) 1-800-877-8339 (TTY)
  • Application: No kit for this program, just the NOFA
  • Forms:

    -- Attachments A-D

Content Archived: April 7, 2010

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451 7th Street S.W.
Washington, DC 20410
Telephone: (202) 708-1112 TTY: (202) 708-1455