HUD's Recovery Act pumped over $68 million into Arkansas

The Little Rock Field Office is honoring grantees who have completed their Recovery Act projects ahead of their deadline.

HUD awarded Arkansas local, state, and tribal government entities, as well as non-profit organizations, $68 million in Recovery Act Funds to create jobs, restore economic growth, strengthen America’s middle class through measures that modernize the nation’s infrastructure, and enhance America’s energy independence. The Little Rock Field Office is honoring partners who have completed their American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funded projects ahead of their deadline. The honorees are:

Fort Smith Housing Authority
The Fort Smith Housing Authority was granted $807,459 in stimulus funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act spring 2009. The Authority designated $661,800 for the construction of eight new fully handicap accessible two-bedroom apartments. The construction of this project created a total of 25 jobs and will bring the 288 unit Nelson Hall elderly and disabled public housing into compliance with Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The remaining funds were used for additional, parking by adding 39 parking spaces to eliminate on-street parking and for additional exterior lighting for added security.

(l-r) Don Hancock, Springdale Community Development; Mayor Doug Sprouse; FOD Alice Rufus; CPD Director James Slater

Springdale leads the way in effective use of ARRA funds
On March 11, 2010, Little Rock Field Office Director Alice Rufus, on behalf of Deputy Regional Director Donald Babers, presented Springdale Mayor Doug Sprouse with an Honor Role Certificate recognizing their achievement as the first city in Arkansas to spend 100% of their American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds. Read more.

Content Archived: July 14, 2011