| Section 8 and ARRA
To all Sections 8 project owners who have received American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) funds, here are the reporting requirements that are due by 10/10/2009:
The attached Excel Spreadsheet provides information intended to assist project owners who are required to report the use of Recovery Act funding during FY 2009. The reporting period is October 1-10, 2009, and all Section 8 projects receiving more than $25,000.00 in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds are required to file a report. Additional information about the Recovery Act and reporting requirements can be found at www.federalreporting.gov.
List of the data fields included in the above tables:
- Award_Type
- Award_Number
- Funding_Acency_Code
- Awarding_Agency_Code
- Award_Date
- Amount_of_Award
- CFDA_Number
- TAS_Source
- Award Description
- Project Name
- Activity Code
- Total ARRA Expenditure