Office of Public Housing
Region VIII Newsletters
April 2007

Director's message
2007 SuperNOFA
2007 Operating Funds
Operating Fund Appeals
Stop-Loss Application Dates Extended
Asset Management Help Desk
Expedited Waiver Process
Audit Submission Reminder
Energy Training to Improve Building Performance
Energy Action Update
2007 Income Limits
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Brochure
Wanted: Digital Photos for HUD Slideshow
Recent Publications
Upcoming Dates

Director's message
We are getting more information on 2007 funding. Operating funds have now been provided for 9 months and the proration factor was increased slightly. We are still waiting guidance on the final 2007 Housing Choice Voucher funding amounts. The 2007 SuperNOFA has been published and all applicants are encouraged to check out HUD's web page for guidance on application requirements. SuperNOFA webcast information is also available on HUD's web page. Asset Management continues to be an active area. See the recent notices that extend the stop loss application due dates as well as notices the provide guidance on operating fund appeals. Please don?t hesitate to call upon us of we can be of assistance.

Ann Roman
Director, Office of Public Housing
Region VIII

2007 SuperNOFA
On March 13, 2007, HUD published its 2007 SuperNOFA. This SuperNOFA provides $2,350,425,226 in funding for HUD?s competitive programs. The PIH programs included in the SuperNOFA are:

ProgramFundingApplication Due date
Housing Choice Voucher FSS Program$47,000,000May 18, 2007
Public & Indian Housing FSS$12,000,000June 6, 2007
ROSS Family Homeownership$30,000,000June 27, 2007
ROSS Elderly/Persons with Disabilities$20,000,000July 19, 2007

More information on the 2007 SuperNOFA and application requirements

2007 Operating Funds
PHAs have now been funded for 9-months (January ? September) of 2007 operating funds. The current proration factor was increased to 82 percent.

  • Explanation of the new proration factor (
  • PHAs can download a copy of most recent operating fund obligation award letters (

Operating Fund Appeals
PIH Notice 2007-7 was issued March 13, 2007. This notice provides guidance to public housing agencies on the grounds for appeals and for submitting appeals under the Operating Fund final rule. There are five types of appeals:

  1. Streamlined appeal;
  2. Appeal of formula income for economic hardship;
  3. Appeal for specific local conditions;
  4. Appeal for changing market conditions; and
  5. Appeal to substitute actual project cost data.

The notice addresses information that should be included with an appeal submission. Important points include:

  • All appeals are voluntary and must cover the PHA?s entire portfolio, not single projects.
  • An independent cost assessment of a PHA?s projects is required for appeals for specific local conditions and for appeals for to substitute actual project cost data.
  • All appeals are submitted to REAC (address provided in the notice), with a copy also provided to the HUD field office.
  • For 2007 (calendar year) appeals must be submitted by July 15, 2007.

Stop-Loss Application Dates Extended
HUD has extended the application due date for Year 1 Stop-Loss applications. The April 15, 2007 due date has been extended to October 15, 2007. To meet this stop-loss deadline, PHAs must be in compliance with asset management by September 30, 2007, including the financial reporting requirement. If you have already submitted a stop-loss application, HUD will be contacting you to determine if you wish to be reviewed or resubmit by the October 15, 2007 deadline date. Year 2 stop-loss applications will be due April 15, 2008 and Year 3 stop-loss applications will be due October 15, 2008.

Asset Management Help Desk
In order to better assist PHAs with the transition to asset management, HUD has opened an Asset Management Desk. The Help desk is equipped to answer questions related to HUD?s transition to asset management. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • HUD-Sponsored Training
  • Operating Subsidy
  • Project-Based Accounting
  • Project-Based Budgeting
  • Project-Based Management
  • Stop-Loss

Contact the Help Desk at 1-800-511-8478 or

Expedited Waiver Process
On March 1, 2007, HUD published a Federal Register notice that provides guidance on a process for seeking expedited waivers of HUD program regulations to assist PHAs as they convert to asset management ( The expedited process is particularly designed to address waiver requests for non-statutory program requirements that are uniquely different from requirements applicable to other HUD-subsidized housing programs. Such an example would be the annual required UPCS inspections PHAs must perform. PHAs that wish to obtain a regulatory waiver under the expedited process must submit their waiver request to: The email request must include:

  1. Identification of the HUD regulations from which the PHA specifically request relief;
  2. An Adobe Acrobat PDF copy of the board resolution approving the request for the waiver(s),
  3. A statement of the reason and good cause for the waiver, and
  4. A statement that the PHA will make any necessary changes in its policies and procedures required to implement the waiver(s), if approved.
Note: This process does not apply to PHAs with less than 250 units that do not convert to asset management.

Audit Submission Reminder
PHAs subject to the Single Audit Act are reminded that audit reports are due no later than 9 month after your fiscal year end. The audit report is submitted electronically to REAC. In addition, a copy of the completed audit package and the management letter are to be issued to our office. Notice PIH 2007-8 (HA) addresses this submission requirement.

Energy Training to Improve Building Performance
To assist housing providers take advantage of opportunities to reduce energy consumption and ensure the continued affordability of Housing, HUD is offering a series of 3-hour training modules via satellite broadcasts and webcasts.

  • Multifamily Retrofit and Remodeling Strategies:  Thursday, May 17, 2007
  • Single Family Rehab and Retrofits: Focus on Low-Rise Buildings: Thursday, June 14, 2007
  • New Construction Techniques: Energy Star Qualified New Homes, Green Building, and Renewable Energy: Thursday, September 13, 2007

Energy Action Update
Energy awareness continues to be an ongoing priority with HUD. Each year HUD spends more than $4 billion to heat, cool and light the buildings assisted insured or financed through our various programs. Utility costs are one of the largest operating expense items for PHAs. HUD has created a department-wide Energy Task Force to find ways to save energy, and a wide range of activities have been initiated by key program and support offices. One of the products from the Energy task Force is HUD's bi-weekly energy e-newsletter, called the "Energy Action Update".

2007 Income Limits
HUD recently published the FY 2007 income limits (, effective March 20, 2007.

Office of Inspector General (OIG) Brochure
OIG has posted a new brochure titled "Applying for HUD Housing Assistance? Think About This - Is Fraud Worth It?" (Form HUD-1141) This brochure is provided in English and Spanish versions and replaces Form HUD-1140-OIG titled "Things You Should Know".

Wanted: Digital Photos for HUD Slideshow
We are developing slideshows for each of our state web pages. Check out the slideshows currently available on the South Dakota and North Dakota state web pages. We want to use pictures to capture services and assistance that you provide with your HUD funding. We would love to receive digital pictures of HUD funds in action at your housing authority. We would appreciate any pictures you wish to share. Homeownership month is in June and we would especially appreciate any pictures showing homeownership accomplishments.

Recently Published
For a complete list of Federal Register and Notices published, please visit HUDClips (

Federal Register Issuances - Funding Opportunities:
3/13/07: Fiscal Year 2007 SuperNOFA for HUD?s Discretionary Programs: Notice

Federal Register Issuances - Rules and Program Changes:
3/1/07: Regulatory Waivers for Public Housing Programs To Assist With Transition To Asset Management

Federal Register Issuances - Information Collection:
3/1/07: Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Civil Rights Front End and Limited Monitoring Review: Comment due date is 4/2/07.

3/1/07: Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; LOCCS Voice Response System Payment Vouchers for Public and Indian Housing Programs: Comment due date is 4/2/07.

3/6/07: Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Allocation of Operating Subsidies Under the Operating Fund Formula: Data Collection (Subsidy and Grant Information System (SAGIS) Automated Collections): Comment due date is 4/5/07.

3/21/07: Notice of Submission of Proposed Information Collection to OMB; Request Voucher for Grant Payment and Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) Voice Response System Access Authorization: Comment due date is 4/20/07.

Federal Register Issuances - Miscellaneous:

PIH Notices:
PIH 2007-7: Guidance on Appeals under Subpart G of the Revisions to the Public Housing Operating Fund Program, Final Rule, Published in the Federal Register on September 19, 2005 (79 FR 54983), issued 3/13/07.

PIH 2007-8 (HA): Extension - Notice PIH 2006-15 (HA), Single Audit Act (A-133) Independent Auditor Report Submission for Public Housing Agencies, issued 3/22/07.

Important Upcoming Dates for the Next 4 Months

Please Note: All dates subject to change. Refer to program area websites for most current information and complete list of forms due!!!

FYE 3/31 PHAs

5/30/07  Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) certifications due for all 12/31/07 PHAs

5/31/07  MASS certifications due

5/31/07  Year-end financial statements due

6/1 - 8/3/07  Residents surveyed for RASS.

FYE 6/30 PHAs

4/12/07  Due date for PHA certification of RASS Implementation Plan activities.

FYE 9/30 PHAs

6/30/07  Audit reports due

FYE 12/31 PHAs

2/28/07  MASS Certifications and year-end financial statements due

3/1/07  Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) certifications due for all 12/31/06 PHAs

5/25 - 7/27/07  Residents surveyed for RASS.

All PHAs

4/29/07  Quarterly Recertification of EIV Users

7/15/07  Operating fund appeals due for CY 2007

Content Archived: May 1, 2012