E-Briefs and Holiday Greetings from the Richmond Office of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
***HUDUser website offers housing and economic data covering regions, states, metro areas, and counties. *** HUD dedicates $35 million from Capital Fund Education & Training Community Facilities Program to provide early childhood education, adult education or job training - applications due 1/11 - see http://www.grants.gov/ *** For updates on HUD's Emergency Homeowners Loan Program, see the HUD website *** HUD posts information about upcoming Rural Innovation Fund NOFA *** Public Comment due 1/18 on updated guidance for Section 202 and Section 811 (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-30689.htm) ***
$$$ ...HUD'S GOT NOFA$ ...$$$
***Capital Fund Education & Training Community Facilities Program applications due 1/14 - see website ... ROSS Family Self-Sufficiency Program applications due 1/19 - see website... Capacity Building for Community Development & Affordable Housing program applications due 1/27 - see website ... ROSS Service Coordinators program applications due 2/21 - see website ... Rural Innovation Fund applications due 2/22 - see website ... Emergency Capital Repair Grants for Seniors' Housing Developments still accepting applications - see website***
HUD has recently changed the way it sells HUD-owned single family properties. Instead of a single contractor responsible for all phases of the sales transaction there are now multiple contractors handling the conveyance, maintenance and sale of the properties. For more information on these changes and to find available properties in your area visit the new sales website. ***Licensed real estate agents who want to submit electronic bids on HUD Homes at the new HUD Home Store site not only need to have registered for a NAID number, but also must register at the HUD Home Store (http://hudhomestore.com/HudHome/Index.aspx) website *** New FHA Mortgagee Letters: 2010-40 provides notice of the 2011 comprehensive update to the Federal Housing Administration's (FHA) single-family loan limits... 2010-41 discusses Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), MasterFormat Editions for FHA new construction and substantial rehabilitation projects...For all Mortgagee Letters, see the HUD website***
***2011 Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conferencein Washington, D.C. February 8-10 - Forum for sharing ideas and strategies to build a green economy that creates jobs, reduces global warming and other environmental problems, and secures America's economic and environmental future. For more information, see http://www.greenjobsconference.org/ *** HUDUser Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse highlights toolkit to provide guidance on how to promote, shape and implement green affordable housing programs - http://www.huduser.org/portal/rbc/strategy *** Albemarle County receives gold level certification in 2010 “Go Green VA” Challenge (http://www.newsplex.com/home/headlines/Albemarle_County_Gets_Gold_for_Going_Green_111114239.html)***
*** Virginia Community Action Partnership, HUD and IRS partnering to provide a teletutorial for Earned Income Tax Credit outreach on 1/13 at 2:00 pm. Pre-registration required - contact Anne Davis at anne.davis@hud.gov or (800) 842-2610, ext 4802. ***
Capital Magnet Fund interim rule issued - CDFI Fund requests comments by February 1 on program to provide grants to CDFIs and nonprofit intermediaries for affordable housing and economic development. (http://www.cdfifund.gov or contact Jeffrey C. Berg, (202) 622-8662) *** Better Housing Coalition accepting nominations for 2011 Groundbreaker Award: http://www.betterhousingcoalition.org/2010/11/call-for-nominations-2011-groundbreakers-awards/ for award criteria and nomination form. ***Housing Virginia e-newsletter latest issue http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs045/1102712869256/archive/1104083018394.html *** Virginia Association of Housing Counselors (VAHC) sets 5/3-5/5 as date for annual training and certification conference. Watch for details http://www.virginiahousingcounselors.org ***
*** USDA Rural Housing Service announces FY 2011Section 515 Multi-Family Housing Preservation Loan Fund Demonstration Program applications due1/10 (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-28253.htm). *** Department of Veterans Affairs announces availability of funds for supportive services grants under the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (SSVF Program) - applications due 3/11 see website (http://www1.va.gov/homeless/ssvf.asp) *** VAHC hosting training/review for S.A.F.E Act licensure testing on 1/11, 1/12 & 1/13 - to register see http://shop.trainingloanofficers.com/NMLS-20-Hour-MLO-FundamentalsDec-1-3-8300-430pm-RichmondVA-1351-68.htm *** VA's Capital Grant and Per Diem (GPD) grants training 1/14 in Hampton - separate sessions for new and past applicants. Register online (http://www.publicresources.org). For more information, contact Yilla J. Smith, (757) 622-9268 Ext. 3004 *** Children and Youth Funding Report offering free download of Directory of Grants for Children and Youth Services -- 2nd Edition - No purchase required - see website (http://www.cdpublications.com/d092) . *** Hampton Roads Community Foundation announces applications due 1/14 for Building Excellence Capacity Building Grants program for South Hampton Roads nonprofits - see website (http://www.hamptonroadscf.org/nonprofits/buildingExcellence.html) ***AmeriCorps Education Award Program (EAP) applications due 1/26 ***Accessible Transportation Coalitions Initiative applications due 1/31 - ***
*** Dominion Foundation awards $2 Million to aid the homeless and other families in need. 31 nonprofits in Virginia receive funding. (http://dom.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=940) ***HUD announces Housing Counseling awards - HUD-approved Virginia Housing Counseling Agencies awarded $946,455.45 ***