FY2011 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant NOFA

The FY 2011 Choice Neighborhoods Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA) for Planning Grants was issued on June 6, 2011 and announced approximately $3.6 million available for awards. Applications were due August 8, 2011. In January 2012, HUD awarded Planning Grants to 13 communities totaling $3.6 million. HUD also has designated 8 applications as "competitive runners-up" and will post information with applicants, along with the grantees, on the partner.hud.gov website.

Choice Neighborhoods Webcast - June 3

We are pleased that $100 million is included for Choice Neighborhoods and HOPE VI in the final Continuing Resolution for FY2011Appropriations passed by Congress in April. HUD hosted a webcast on June 3 to discuss this appropriation and provide information on our FY2011 Planning Grant Competition. The webcast can be viewed at HUD Webcast Archives page.


Content Archived: February 1, 2025