FY 1998 - 2003 Strategic Plan
Strategic Objective #5
Provide empowerment and selfsufficiency opportunities
to support lowincome individuals and families as they make
the transition from dependency to work.
The Department is working with community organizations, States,
cities, and other Federal agencies to effectively implement this
objective. The Department proposes an initial four-pronged action
plan to begin implementing the Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996:
- Creation and retention of jobs;
- Using tenant-based rental assistance strategically to
link welfare recipients to jobs through innovative uses
of incremental housing assistance and regional counseling; and
- Coordinate housing assistance with Welfare Reform efforts;
- Providing and leveraging services to help welfare recipients
make the transition from dependency to work through expansion
of the Bridges to Work initiative, funding for Public Housing
Supportive Services, expansion of Neighborhood Networks learning
centers in assisted housing and the Youthbuild program to provide
access to education and job training.
HUD is in a unique position to assist in helping people move
from welfare to work. Through public housing, Section 8, and
CDBG target areas, HUD programs have a physical presence where
the poor live. HUD programs provide flexible assistance capable
of effecting different interventions that may be necessary to
promote self-sufficiency. HUD can both provide the assistance
needed to create and retain jobs and provide the training and
other service that lower income individuals need to be able to
take advantage of those jobs. Flexible formula grants, like CDBG,
let communities take advantage of more restricted funding provided
by other agencies. CDBG, for example, can fund local plans for
promoting self-sufficiency. It can also fund services that may
be needed to help people take advantage of opportunities provided
through the Departments of Transportation and Labor. HUD, in
fact, is working with other agencies to help promote self-sufficiency.
For example, its JOBS Plus demonstration is jointly funded and
closely coordinated with HHS. HUD's Bridges to Work demonstration
features coordination with Transportation.
Creation and Retention of Jobs
Bringing jobs and job access to distressed communities requires
working with other Federal agencies and contributes to the Administration's
goal of making welfare reform work. The Department is working
with community organizations, States, cities, and other Federal
agencies to effectively implement the Personal Responsibility
and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 by creating good
jobs through our economic development programs and especially
through implementation of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development
Act of 1968.
Targeting neighborhoods with high concentrations of poor families,
including those on welfare, HUD's core economic development programs
can be used to generate jobs that will be available to welfare
recipients entering the work force. The programs summarized below
will produce good jobs for those neighborhoods.
Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/EC) (Round
A key element in the strategy to produce suitable jobs in distressed
areas and empower low- and moderate-income persons to take advantage
of those jobs is the EZ/EC program. In December of 1994, the
HUD Secretary announced the designation of 72 Urban EZ/ECs. For
every dollar of EZ funds, $18 of private investment are leveraged.
More than $2 billion in private investment has been made. Most
of the investment ($1.7 billion) is targeted toward economic opportunities.
Each of the 72 Urban EZ/ECs developed performance benchmarks
which provide a blueprint for an entrepreneurial way to distribute
funds and to fulfill commitments. Each EZ or EC has compiled
these benchmarks into a unique Strategic Plan for urban revitalization.
The strategic plan is to monitor these zones and communities
closely and to help ensure that progress proceeds in an orderly
fashion. A database is being developed to keep track of progress
in each EZ and EC. On March 3, 1997, Secretary Cuomo asked his
Representatives to assume responsibility for supervising program
management of the EZ/EC initiative in their regions. A number
of them have already set up teams from the HUD Field Offices to
oversee the management of the EZs and ECs.
HUD is promoting partnerships with private and community service
providers who can help residents achieve self-sufficiency and
has proposed an expansion of Empowerment Zones to help communities
create more job opportunities. There are hundreds of activities
funded and/or underway to promote human development and self-sufficiency
in the 72 Urban Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities.
A comprehensive list of these activities was contained in a recent
report on every Zone or Community based on the first annual performance
Current strategy includes legislation to create another round
of 20 EZs and 80 new ECs across the country. These new EZs and
ECs would focus on moving residents from welfare and poverty to
CDBG, Economic Development Initiatives (EDI) and Section 108
Section 108 allows communities to leverage private funds for
large-scale job creation and community development initiatives.
EDI grants supplement these programs by providing grants for
large-impact projects. EDI money may be used to capitalize innovative
financial institutions and has already been used very successfully
for this purpose. CPD will continue to improve the leverage of
CPD programs by focusing job creation activities on the Section
108 loan guarantee along with the EDI grants.
CPD has sought to expand the use of the CDBG program for job
creation activities. From 1993 to 1996, projects funded under
the CDBG entitlement and non-entitlement programs will create
an estimated 471,000 permanent jobs through economic development
activities when these projects are completed. They will also
create an estimate 472,000 other jobs, such as construction and
service jobs.
The Consolidated Plan rule and a subsequent January 1997 notice
calls for the creation of Neighborhood Revitalization areas.
In these areas sources would be marshalled to facilitate a grantee's
ability to engage in comprehensive community revitalization strategies
in distressed neighborhoods. Waivers in CDBG programs are offered
if proposed projects are located in such neighborhoods.
The job creation activities of Section 108/EDI and CDBG often
include a nexus with manpower development program. Many of these
activities were highlighted in the Houston conference on Best
Practices. In Fall River, MA, Section 108 and CDBG float loans
saved existing jobs and created new jobs in those distressed communities.
For example, the Fall River Office of Economic Development coordinate
with the Bristol County training Consortium (Jobs Training Partnership
Act), to provide opportunities for connecting trained low to moderate
income persons with new employment opportunities. In another
effort, Jefferson County, MO, used a holistic job development
strategy to create the Jefferson Riverport International Center
(JRI). It included training and day care facilities available
to employees of JRI, and a comprehensive public transportation
link to JRI for low and moderate income persons in Jefferson County.
CDBG and HOME Funds
State and local governments use these formula block grant funds
to assist new homebuyers through development subsidies and downpayment
and closing cost assistance. Often through a state-wide network
of local lenders, States provide downpayment grants making it
possible for many low-income families to come to the settlement
table. Cities, with a desire to stabilize their tax bases and
increase the percentage of homeownership, use CDBG and HOME funds
to construct or rehabilitate deteriorated units to increase the
supply of standard housing for sale. The HOME Program since 1992
has assisted more than 75,000 new homebuyers.
The interagency Brownfields initiative, described elsewhere in
this Plan, seeks to create job opportunities on contaminated sites
in cities by cleaning up the sites and financing economic development
activities after the sites are cleaned. Brownfields clean-up
was identified as a Best Practice at a recent Houston conference.
Louisville, KY, used CDBG funds to aide in the removal of contaminants
from an area which did not have a grocery store. CDBG also funded
a new supermarket on that site which employs 60 low and moderate
income people. An EPA grant was also sought for devising other
redevelopment strategies for the area.
Section 3
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as
amended by the Housing Act of 1992, requires that economic opportunities
generated by HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent
feasible, be given to low and very low-income persons. This applies
to public housing programs and to programs for housing rehabilitation
and construction and other public construction projects. It is
a program that essentially links low-income and welfare recipients
to jobs. It has already resulted in hundreds of jobs (temporary,
seasonal and permanent) going to low-income persons. It has also
helped eligible Section 3 Businesses to secure thousands of dollars
in HUD contracts (i.e. businesses owned by Section 3 residents,
those employing significant numbers of eligible Section 3 persons,
or those willing to subcontract a significant percent of the total
value of their HUD contracts to Section 3 resident-owned businesses).
Priority for training and employment is provided to low-income
persons who are residents of public and assisted housing, residents
of the neighborhood where the programs are being operated, participants
in Youthbuild, and homeless persons. Priority in contracting
is also given to businesses which offer opportunities to these
classes for low-income persons. The Department will direct recipients
of HUD funds to take Section 3 seriously and to aggressively work
with their agencies and contractors to reach eligible Section
3 residents and to help them access jobs, training, contract opportunities
or other economic benefits.
Section 3 ensures that employment and other economic opportunities
generated by the expenditure of HUD financial assistance shall,
to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low-income persons,
particularly those who are recipients of Government assistance
for housing. Since 1995, implementation of Section 3 has resulted
in the increased employment of public housing residents and creation
of resident-owned businesses. Some residents have gained self-sufficiency
and purchased and relocated to single family homes.
Government-wide Employment Program
As part of the welfare to work initiative, HUD, together with
other Federal agencies, will hire welfare recipients over the
next four years in various jobs throughout Headquarters and Field
Offices. Individuals will be provided with training in job skills,
office practices/demeanor and counselling will be provided where
necessary. Issues of child care, transit subsidies, mentoring,
etc. are being explored to ensure that all possible assistance
is provided in those areas where needed.
Link Welfare Recipients to Jobs
HUD housing programs help link welfare recipients to jobs. Often,
there is a mismatch between where welfare recipients live and
the location of entry-level jobs for which they have the appropriate
education and skills. Stable and affordable housing can also
mean the difference between steady employment and welfare receipt.
The portability of Section 8 vouchers and certificates allows
recipients to move wherever jobs exist, if there is housing
Incremental Rental Assistance Linked to Welfare Reform
Jurisdictions that receive Welfare to Work Challenge Grants develop
coordinated strategies between their PHA and the State or local
welfare agency for the use of incremental rental assistance.
CPD and other HUD programs: Welfare reform measures
CPD is now working with other program areas of HUD to develop
strategies to provide jobs to long-term welfare recipients. These
proposals have not yet been finalized. There are hundreds of
projects all over the United States funded under the CDBG program
listed in the 1995 Action Plans which offer support activities
to improve the lives of public housing residents. Often these
fund self-sufficiency programs for public housing residents.
CPD has undertaken several steps in strengthening citizen participation,
as discussed in detail under Customer Service.
Regional Outreach Counseling
Counseling can help Section 8 recipients - who are often welfare
recipients - identify housing locations that improve access to
jobs and supportive services throughout a metropolitan area.
Coordinate Housing Assistance with Welfare Reform Efforts
Rent Incentives to Reward Work
HUD supports changing public and assisted housing rent rules
that discourage work. When tenant rental payments are tied to
income, any increase in income leads to an automatic rent increase.
To prevent this disincentive, HUD has supported ceiling rents
in public housing and provided Housing Authorities with the flexibility
to disregard some or all earned income.
Encourage partnerships between PHAs and local social service
HUD has included provisions in the Public Housing Management
Reform Act that will encourage PHAs to collaborate with local
TANF - administering and employment agencies to insure that residents
have access to the resources they need to become self-sufficient
rather than mandate that PHAs create redundant case management
programs for residents, HUD will reward PHAs that help residents
tap into existing community services, and help service agencies
reach residents.
Transition from Dependency to Work
Limited funding from HUD can be used by program administrators
to leverage substantial additional Federal, State, local and nonprofit
resources. Resulting programs help residents prepare for, find
and retain jobs.
Bridges to Work
Bridges to Work is an employment demonstration program designed
to assist low-income households in cities by bridging the geographic
barriers that isolate them from job opportunities throughout the
larger metropolitan area. The demonstration was started in 1996
and is operating in five cities -- Baltimore, Chicago, Denver,
Milwaukee, and St. Louis. The goal of Bridges to Work is to assist
work ready, but unemployed or underemployed, city residents to
secure and retain jobs via a time-limited but integrated services
strategy. Bridges to Work provides transportation and other supportive
services to help link central city residents to suburban jobs.
This effort is coordinated closely with the Welfare-to-Work Transportation
Initiative proposed by the Department of Transportation.
Public Housing Supportive Services
PIH provides Economic Development and Supportive Service grants
to PHAs that collaborate with their local welfare office and other
local partners for the purpose of helping their residents transition
from welfare to work. Allowable activities include job training
and business development training, as well as supportive services
such as child care, transportation and counseling. The Tenant
Opportunity Program, with grants for resident groups, similarly
allows for job training and supportive services. In addition,
the PH Drug Elimination program contains drug prevention and treatment
for public housing residents.
Services under the CDBG Program
The Consolidated Plan seeks to improve the coordination between
public housing and community development activities. This improved
coordination has resulted in projects all over the United States
where the CDBG program has assisted in providing services for
public housing residents. Many of these projects are written
up as a best practice in community development. The program has
assisted in providing youth and adult services all over the United
States that will assist in reducing welfare dependence of low-income
Neighborhood Networks
The program, Neighborhood Networks, provides computer learning
centers and education and employment services in privately owned
assisted housing developments. These centers are funded from
existing project revenues and reserves and do not require new
Youthbuild is a highly effective program that provides at-risk
youth with educational and employment skills. The program offers
16 to 24 year old high school dropouts general academic and job
skills training, as well as apprenticeship constructing and rehabilitating
affordable housing.
Youthbuild is a highly successful program which offers an opportunity
for high school dropouts to receive education and training in
the building trades and, at the same time, build or rehabilitate
low and moderate income housing.
In the third round of Youthbuild approvals from 1994 through
1996, some 4,200 jobs were created. Another competition has just
been announced.
HOME Tenant Based Rental Assistance
Jurisdictions may use HOME funds to provide tenant based rental
assistance to assist welfare recipients as they transition to
jobs. HOME tenant based rental assistance is a flexible resource
which communities can integrate into locally-designed plans to
assist persons with special needs, including those participating
in self-sufficiency programs.
Homeless Assistance Programs
The Department's Homeless Assistance programs both provide funding
for supportive services and leverage supportive services from
local sources to help homeless persons move toward self-sufficiency.
A significant portion of the Emergency Shelter Grants and Supportive
Housing Program funds is used to provide services, including job
training, day care, and case management to empower homeless persons
to move into the mainstream of American life. The Shelter Plus
Care program, which provides rental assistance, requires a one-to-one
match in supportive services from local sources.
Partnership with Health and Human Services
In reviewing our draft Strategic Plan, HHS noted that: "Under
the strategies section there is no mention of programs for children.
Programs such as Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's
Starting Early Starting Smart Program provide support for children
ages birth to seven, or HHS Secretary's Youth Substance Abuse
Prevention Initiative for ages 12-17. There is also no mention
of support services for health care such as clinics, and health
education classes."
HHS also noted that: "Under this objective issues of child
care, transit subsidies, and mentoring are not programs that need
to be just explored but researched, knowledge developed, and programs
implemented either through interagency agreement or private sector
collaboration. Partnerships created to support child care, transit,
and mentoring will facilitate job retention." As discussed
under Strategic Objective #2, HUD will explore agency coordination
with HHS and other agencies over the coming months.
Program Evaluation
The Department currently has underway two major demonstrations
related to empowerment and self-sufficiency; one is Bridges to
Work and the other is Jobs Plus. In addition to these demonstrations,
HUD has recently produced analyses of the Section 3 initiative
and the Youth Apprenticeship Program, both of which are intended
to provide jobs for public housing residents. We have evaluated
the Gateway Program in Charlotte, NC and Operation Bootstrap,
both of which attempted to promote self-sufficiency among public
housing residents. Also recently, the Department has begun an
aggressive research program in the area of crime and assisted
housing. Work so far has included a crime survey, development
of victimization survey methodologies, and a set of case studies
on "defensible space" and assisted housing.
HUD also has underway an evaluation of the Empowerment Zone and
Enterprise Communities program, which is the major recent job
creation initiative. Additionally, HUD evaluations of grass roots
economic development initiatives, of economic development programs
operated by States and local governments through the Community
Development Block Grant program, and of the Neighborhood Development
Demonstration also recently focussed on this topic.
PD&R will continue to conduct studies related to performance
measurement. Research resulting from the JOBS Plus and Bridges
to Work demonstrations will help provide benchmarks for what we
can expect from this type of program. It is also likely that
PD&R will soon undertake an effort to assess the effects of
welfare reform on assisted housing.
Linkage to HUD 2020: Management Reform Plan
CPD approves over 1,300 competitive grants a year, but staff
reductions of 23% since 1992 have prevented adequate monitoring.
The introduction of the Grants Management System includes an
annual comparative review of all entitlement grantees, showing
the full spectrum from "best practices" to high-risk
projects and cities in need of technical assistance and monitoring.
Structurally, the Office of Block Grant Assistance and the Office
of Affordable Housing will be combined into the Office of Community
For other reforms which will impact on this objective, see also
the Linkage section under earlier objectives, especially Community
Resource Representatives Objective #1.
External Factors
As with other objectives, HUD's ability to provide self-sufficiency
opportunities is constrained by the nature of its programs. Where
HUD provides flexible assistance to cities, counties, housing
agencies, and States to use at their discretion, HUD has no direct
control over the extent to which the funds will be used to address
this objective.
Also as with other objectives, broad economic factors greatly
affect the extent to which low income people will become self-sufficient.
Vigorous, sustained economic growth will do more to promote self-sufficiency
than HUD can do. And a decline in the economy will more than
offset HUD's best efforts.
The job readiness of those with low incomes is another key external
factor. Where people reach adulthood with little education, there
are limits to the types of jobs to which they can aspire. Certainly,
HUD-funded job opportunities and services can help, and along
with educational and training opportunities funded through other
agencies, they should have an important impact. But realistically,
relatively few people who have reached their 30s with little education,
with families, and little work history, will achieve great success
in this economy.
Please see the section on External Factors under Objective #1.
How annual performance goals support the achievement of this
The ultimate goal of this objective is to move an increasing
number of residents of assisted multifamily projects off welfare.
The measurement of this indicator will depend on future collaborative
efforts between HUD, HHS and Labor. Providing economic opportunities
for low and moderate income persons through creation and retention
of jobs will also be the result of coordination with other agencies.
However, HUD can measure the number of jobs created as a direct
result of HUD funds, especially EDI and Section 108. We also
can increase annually the number of partnerships that help residents
achieve self-sufficiency in each Empowerment Zone and Enterprise
See Appendix I for specific performance measures.