CPMP Version 2.0 Summary

More Information

  • CPMP Version 2.0!
    This version contains features that incorporate changes made in the Consolidated Plan final rule that became effective on March 13, 2006. It includes worksheets dealing with annual specific objectives and annual housing goals. It also includes revisions to other worksheets that were made in response to suggestions made by grantees that used previous versions. Download CPMP 2.0

  • CPMP User Manual
    This online manual shows you how to best utilize the CPMP to prepare Consolidated Plan materials and submit them to HUD.

  • CPMP Release Notes
    Grantees may see what changes have been made to the CPMP on the CPMP Release Notes Web page.

CPMP Version 2.0 contains features that incorporate changes made in the Consolidated Plan final rule that became effective on March 13, 2006. It includes new worksheets dealing with annual specific objectives and annual housing goals. It also includes revisions to other worksheets that were made in response to suggestions made by grantees that used previous versions.

The file structure has changed slightly to allow for additional information. In addition, new documents have been created to enable you to migrate much of your data to the new version.

The Version 2.0 Process page contains guidance on managing your files using the new version documents.

Here is a matrix of the documents included in Version 2.0:

Document New Updated Data Migration Available
1CPMP.xls   X X
StrategicPlan.xls   X  
AP1.xls   X  
AP2.xls   X  
AP3.xls   X  
AP4.xls   X  
AP5.xls   X  
Certification (State)   X  
Certification (Non-State)   X  
SF 424   X  
Summaries.xls X    
Goals.xls X     
Needs.xls   X X
Projects.xls   X X

Content Archived: May 10, 2012