Section 1512 (Jobs) Reporting Overview

Section 1512 requires that recipients, sub-recipients and contractors of Recovery Act funding report on a number of data elements, such as jobs and dollars spent. The system for collecting this information is called and is administered by the Office of Management and Budget and overseen by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board.

The next Section 1512 reporting period begins on April 1st, 2010, and closes on April 10th, 2010. Recipients, sub-recipients and contracts receiving HUD Recovery Act obligations by March 31st, 2009 will be required to report during this time. Prime recipients may delegate the reporting on sub-grants to the sub-recipients, or may choose to aggregate the data and report on it themselves. Please refer to the fact sheet and the OMB guidance for more detailed explanations of the requirements. NOTE: Recipients of a grant with a total obligation below $25,000 need not report on that grant. Also, Project-Based Rental Assistance owners receiving ARRA funding through their existing HAP contracts need not report.


Recipients are encouraged to register as early as possible for the system, as there are a number of pre-registration steps (obtaining DUNS and CCR registrations) that may take a couple of days to complete. Please see the resources section of this site for more information on registration.


OMB created a series of webinars that detail the use of the system. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these trainings in advance of the reporting period so you know what to expect and can gather the necessary information in advance. Please also familiarize yourself with the data model, which is a complete listing of all of the data elements the system will collect. Please pay special attention to the new OMB job counting guidance, which provides detailed information on calculating jobs. HUD's Job Calculator may also be used to assist in the jobs calculation.

January reporting schedule

January 1 -10 Reporting Cycle
January 11 - 14 Extended Reporting Cycle
January 15 Recipient Review
January 16 - 29 Agency Review
January 30 Recipient Data Posted on
January 31 - February 21 Continuous Quality Assurance -- Period 1
February 22 Office of Management and Budget Review
February 23 Period 1 Data Published on
February 24 - March 7 Continuous QA - Period 2
March 8 Office of Management and Budget Review
March 9 Period 2 Data Published on
March 10 - 21 Continuous QA -- Period 3
March 22 Office of Management and Budget Review
March 23 Period 3 Data Published on

Program-Specific Support Information


Content Archived: April 4, 2017