Community Development Block Grant - Recovery Reporting

The Latest information on all CDBG-R reporting is available on our updated reporting guidance. Previous Guidance can be found at our previous guidance.

CDBG-R Closeout Instructions:
Notice #CPD 2012-04, which provides closeout instructions for the CDBG-R program, was issued February 13, 2012. It can be accessed at the link below; once open, click on the link beside 2012-04:
CDBG-R grantees that are 100% drawn may start to complete the closeout certification forms, checklists and agreements on pages 28-34 of this notice. You should mail the signed hard copies to your field office representative and direct your questions to them.
Any grantee that is not 100% drawn down but has completed all activities, and either does not plan to use the rest of their money or will use any remaining funds for administrative costs related to closeout, may complete and submit these forms. The closeout instructions have also been provided to HUD Field Offices so your field office may be contacting you to initiate closeout, but you need not wait for them to contact you; if you are ready to close out your grant and meet the criteria, please contact them.
HUD expects that all CDBG-R grants should be ready for grant closeout no later than six months after the expenditure deadline, (9/30/2012), or March 31, 2013. Grantees will need to submit their final report to before they can proceed to closeout. A CDBG-R grant cannot be closed out until all activities comply with national objective requirements. Therefore, grantees should ensure that all activities will have met national objective criteria requirements by March 31, 2013 and these should be entered into IDIS for CDBG-R activities. If grantees currently know that they have activities that may not meet a national objective by this deadline, they should consult their field office for advice. For example, if a housing project was rehabilitated in a blighted area and will not be occupied by March 31, 2013, the national objective may initially be input into IDIS with the national objective of the elimination of slum and blight and once occupied, changed to low-mod housing.

If you have any questions regarding these closeout instructions, please refer them to your HUD Field Office Representative.

For technical questions about, please visit the ( Help Desk.

To reset your RAMPS password, contact the HITS National Help Desk at 1-888-297-8689. Select Option 9. Request password reset. Provide the last 5 digits of your SSN, or your 5-digit verification PIN when requested. Your password will then be reset and/or a new password will be provided.

To see an example of how CDBG-R recipients should report information to (, please see our mock data template. Many of your questions may be answered in our Reporting FAQ.

For information on Buy American waivers, please see our Buy American Waiver notice and Buy American - Canada information.

For all other Recovery Act reporting questions, please contact CDBG's Recovery Act Reporting Call Center at 1-800-998-9999. The call center is available 8:30am to 5:30pm EDT, Monday to Friday. You may also e-mail

Training Webcast Scheduled on Recovery Act Reporting Guidance:
On Wednesday, January 6, 2010, from 2:00-3:30 pm (EST), HUD presented a webcast for CDBG-R grantees on the latest Recovery Act reporting guidance. The topics covered wereequally applicable to States, Entitlement, and Insular Areas grantees as well as HUD staff:

  • Updated jobs counting guidance from OMB;
  • Common reporting errors from the October reporting period;
  • Environmental review reporting in RAMPS;
  • Validating sub-awardees' information;
  • Future plans to capture additional CDBG-R data in IDIS.

Program-Specific Support Information


Content Archived: April 4, 2017