Cracking down on crime and drugs.
Through these four components, the Department and its local partners
are improving the quality of public housing stock and management
and making these communities better, safer places to live. For
example, the HOPE VI program has provided $2 billion in funding
for the demolition and revitalization of 68 of the worst public
housing developments. The Administration's "One Strike and
You're Out" policy is based on the idea that public housing
is a privilege, not a right, and residents who commit crime and
peddle drugs should be screened out or immediately evicted. These
efforts contribute to the Department's efforts to increase access
to healthy, affordable housing and will continue.
The Department is undertaking two major efforts in order to advance
its efforts to transform public housing: comprehensive legislative
action on public and assisted housing and internal management
reforms to improve HUD's own administration and monitoring of
the program.
Increasing the supply of affordable rental housing
A fundamental role of the Department is to ensure that Americans
of all income levels have access to decent quality housing at
a cost that does not drive out spending for food, clothing, and
other necessities. This has been a difficult role given budget
constraints. Over 5 million very low income renter households
pay more than half their income for rent or live in severely substandard
housing. Until recently the Department was able to make some
headway in addressing these "worst case needs" for housing
assistance by adding each year to the total number of families
served by assisted housing. Recently, however, the Congress has
denied HUD's requests for modest numbers of "incremental"
units of assistance.
Without the ability to address directly the severe housing needs
of the lowest income families, HUD's programs are concentrating
on (1) creating a supply of housing that is affordable to renters
and homeowners whose incomes are low but who do not have extremely
low or poverty level incomes; and (2) maintaining the public and
assisted housing programs that currently serve over 4 million
needy households, most of whom would have worst case needs if
they were not receiving assistance.
HUD will construct or rehabilitate more than 400,000 units per
year through HOME, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG),
FHA multifamily insurance, Housing for Special Populations (elderly
and disabled), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
(HOPWA). Continued Federal funding for public housing and renewal
of expiring subsidies under the Section 8 programs will ensure
that the overall number of families assisted by these programs
does not decline and that they provide decent and affordable housing.
Section 8
HUD continues to request funding for incremental Section 8 certificates
and vouchers in order to meet the needs of those Americans who
have worst case housing needs and do not receive housing assistance.
Portable, tenant-based certificates and vouchers are the best
vehicle for addressing unmet needs for affordable rental housing,
as well as for contributing to other strategic objectives such
as reducing the isolation of low-income groups (see objective
4) and providing empowerment and self-sufficiency opportunities
to support the transition from welfare to work (see objective 5).
HUD is committed to cost-effective administration of all of the
Section 8 programs, both tenant-based and project-based, to ensure
that these programs operate at the lowest cost compatible with
providing good quality housing in a broad range of neighborhoods.
The growth in tenant-based housing assistance provides opportunities
for de-concentration of low-income and minority families in particular
from our inner cities. The Department seeks to attract a greater
number of responsible landlords into the Section 8 program and
increase community receptivity of Section 8 families, and to ensure
that the families make informed choices about where to live. The
Regional Opportunity Counseling program will enhance the Section
8 program's ability to help welfare families make the transition
to self-sufficiency and help working families continue work.
(see objective 4).
Public Housing
Funds will be provided, by formula, for both capital improvements
and for management improvements. The formula accelerates the
allocation and use of capital improvement funds by replacing a
competitive process which may include a complicated, time-consuming,
staff-intensive application process. Housing Authorities may
use allocated funds for redesign, reconstruction, rehabilitation,
renovation, non-routine maintenance, such as lead-based paint
testing and abatement, or accessibility improvements for the disabled.
Allocated funds may also be used for replacement housing when
demolition or disposition is authorized for buildings or entire
developments that are not viable.
Federal Housing Administration
FHA Multifamily will provide mortgage insurance to construct
or rehabilitate approximately 100,000 units per year under a variety
of rental apartment programs. For many of these units, the Multifamily
Fast Track Processing Program will be employed to reduce both
time and money spent by the Government in processing mortgage
insurance applications. Housing programs for special populations
(elderly and disabled) will provide approximately 5,000 units
per year of additional housing under the Section 202 and 811 programs.
In addition, new multifamily projects will be introduced for
under-served markets including small and very small projects,
mixed income housing, pool insurance and balloon financing. FHA
will also continue to work on alternative systems for program
delivery through risk sharing with housing finance agencies and
Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs).
Physical inspection scores/Assessment Centers
HUD is taking several steps to assure that Multifamily projects
are maintained in a decent, safe and sanitary condition. Housing
is working with PIH to establish a new, uniform protocol for physical
inspections for all FHA and PIH properties. In the not too distant
future, all projects will be visited and rated using the new protocol.
Each project will receive a numerical score for evaluative purposes
by the new assessment center. Projects that are not in good physical
condition will be referred to the new enforcement center.
Community Planning and Development
Using funds made available under the HOME Program, States and
local participating jurisdictions will acquire, construct or rehabilitate
approximately 29,000 units of rental housing each year. In addition,
approximately 9,000 families will be assisted through HOME-funded
tenant based rental assistance. Since the program began in FY
1992, over 122,000 rental units have been committed and 37,000
families have received tenant based rental assistance. Ninety-one
percent of families assisted for rental housing are at 50% of
area median income or below, far exceeding statutory requirements.
Forty-five percent of families have incomes at 30% of rental
housing or below, but such families must also receive tenant-based
assistance from HOME or from the Section 8 program to enable them
to pay a reasonable percentage of income for rent.
CPD is in the process of implementing a new system to more accurately
show how many units of housing have been built or rehabilitated
through the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA),
HOME and CDBG programs so that progress of one community can be
compared with that of another community. CPD has a program of
technical assistance to help communities who are lagging behind
to improve their performance.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
The low income housing tax credit is a key element in the Administration's
strategy for adding to the stock of rental housing that is affordable
without additional subsidy for families who have low incomes.
Tax credit units are affordable for families with extremely low
or poverty level incomes when they also have tenant-based rental
assistance. The tax credit is administered by the Treasury Department
and is evaluated by HUD as a major component of Federal housing
policy. HUD estimates that the tax credit has produced more than
600,000 units of rental housing since its enactment in 1986.
Program Evaluation
One of the most significant annual evaluations on this topic
is the "worst case housing needs" study. In this annual
report to Congress, based on the American Housing Survey and the
most up-to-date HUD program data, HUD analyzes the types of American
families that have the most severe problems with housing conditions
and affordability and reports on trends in those problems over
time. The Department also has on-going a major evaluation of
the HOPE VI program to revitalize distressed public housing.
HUD also has developed and tested resident surveys to measure
the quality of housing occupied by families receiving tenant-based
rental assistance. Other recent studies include evaluations of
the Comprehensive Grant Program to modernize public housing and
of alternative funding mechanisms for funding public housing.
Linkage to HUD 2020: Management Reform Plan
PIH faces many challenges as it continues to transform public
housing across America. In order to successfully meet these challenges,
PIH will align is staff resources to address the greatest needs.
It will establish centers that house "back office' activities,
freeing Field Office staff to target their energies on monitoring
and providing services to 3,400 Housing Authorities and the 1.4
million families they house.
PIH will establish its own grants center; establish, in coordination
with Housing, a Department-wide Section 8 Financial Processing
Center; participate in the Department-wide Real Estate Assessment
Center; establish Troubled Agency Recovery Centers to work with
troubled Housing Authorities; and undertake other privatization
and streamlining efforts to encourage greater productivity and
accountability with local PIH partners and customers.
The cross-cutting Real Estate Assessment Center will review physical
inspections and financial statements of PHAs and multifamily projects.
The Enforcement Center will be responsible for taking aggressive
action to enforce compliance with legal requirements to preserve
decent, safe, and sanitary housing for lower and moderate income
households. The Enforcement Center will identify and initiate
appropriate sanctions and civil and criminal actions in a timely
manner. For multifamily properties, this may include foreclosure,
acquisition, or disposition of properties. For public housing
agencies with a failing grade for one year, it may include judicial
receivership. For CPD and FHEO grantees guilty of fraud, waste,
or abuse of funds, HUD may withhold or recapture grant money.
Given new, more effective approaches to assessing PHAs, HUD will
be in a position to move quickly to identify "troubled"
PHAs. Because of the complexity and sensitivity experienced by
the Department in past work with troubled agencies, we need to
make greater efforts to turn around troubled PHAs and prevent
them from reaching that stage. This will require more staff attention,
which is difficult to allocate given the competing priorities
for administering a multitude of programs with limited staff resources.
To deal with "failing" PHAs, PIH will establish two
Troubled Agency Recovery Centers (TARCs). Any agent/agency receiving
a failing annual assessment score will be referred to a TARC,
which will develop and implement an intervention strategy to bring
the agent/agency to passing scores. The TARCs will be arms of
PIH's existing Office of Troubled Agency Recovery, located in
Headquarters. For further details on this program, please refer
to page 63 of the Management Reform Plan.
Programmatically, HUD will revise PHMAP to include better assessment
and propose receivers for troubled management and privatize the
HOME VI construction management and development process as appropriate.
Authorizing legislation for these, and other reforms, has been
proposed. For a more detailed discussion, please see page 66
of the Management Reform Plan.
External Factors
As with other objectives, HUD's ability to provide affordable
housing to the needy is greatly constrained by the broader economy.
The number of housing units that HUD directly affects is a small
percentage of the Nation's housing stock and a rather small percentage
even of the stock available to those with low incomes. Increases
in unemployment, increases in the cost of developing housing,
and changes in people's abilities to rehabilitate housing all
are major factors affecting housing affordability over which HUD
has little control.
Within the assisted stock itself, external factors affect HUD's
ability to provide affordable housing. When tenant-paid rents
are established as percent of income, declining incomes necessitate
greater subsidies. This means that fewer families can be assisted
with the same amount of funds. These factors make HUD's efforts
in this area highly dependent on the unemployment rate, particularly
among the working poor, and the numbers of people who lose income
as a result of welfare reform.
How annual performance goals support the achievement of this
Increasing availability of affordable housing requires a two-pronged
approach. Not only does HUD need to increase the supply, but
also to transform public housing. To increase the supply, we
must endorse more multifamily loans and risk-sharing mortgages.
HUD must partner with communities to shorten the length of time
between approval for demolition of uninhabitable units and completion
of construction of new units. Several measures provide a gauge
of increased availability. See Appendix I for specific performance