If you are interested in a particular newsletter and know the year in which it was released, click on the year (in the box at right) to peruse a list of articles for that year.
If you prefer to search for IDIS LIVE! Newsletters by title, we have compiled a master list of articles printed in the IDIS Live Newsletters. Articles are sorted in ascending order by title, starting with numbers, then followed by letters A-Z. To find a specific article, simply click on the letter below with which the title starts. You may also click on any letter below to view the listing of articles starting with that letter.
Article Title
Newsletter Issue
10 States Go Live
IDIS "LIVE!" #39 May '00
101 HOME PJs still haven't contacted HUD about the Data Clean-up
IDIS "LIVE!" #54 August '01
20 Reports To Test In Pseudo
IDIS "LIVE!" #39 May '00
2000 Census Disability Data on Web
IDIS "LIVE!" #72 March '03
2000 Census Low-Mod Income Estimates on Web
IDIS "LIVE!" #72 March '03
2000 ESG Reporting Requirements
IDIS "LIVE!" #45 November '00
2000 HOME Reporting Requirements
IDIS "LIVE!" #45 November '00
2000 HOPWA Reporting Requirements
IDIS "LIVE!" #45 November '00
2001 Allocations Now Posted To Web
IDIS "LIVE!" #46 December '00
2001 CAPER Reporting
IDIS "LIVE!" #60 February '02
2001 Con Plan Reporting Underway
IDIS "LIVE!" #52 June '01
2003 CDBG Grants Based on 2000 Census Data
IDIS "LIVE!" #66 September '02
2003 CPD Allocation Letters in the Mail
IDIS "LIVE!" #72 March '03
314 HOME PJs Know Accurate Data Matters
IDIS "LIVE!" #36 February '00
6.6.2a, B Emergency Releases Fix Excess Funding after an Activity is Completed
IDIS "LIVE!" #62 April '02
7.1 Release Coming Feb. 21
IDIS "LIVE!" #71 February '03
Article Title
Newsletter Issue
A Note for IDIS Local Administrators
IDIS "LIVE!" #12 October '97
A Note from Ed Winkler
IDIS "LIVE!" #18 April '98
A Special Note for CDBG Folks
IDIS "LIVE!" #11 September '97
A State's Experience With The Web390 Link To IDIS
IDIS "LIVE!" #44 October '00
Accessing IDIS Via The Internet - An Update
IDIS "LIVE!" #20 July '98
Accomplishment Data for State CDBG Users of IDIS
IDIS "LIVE!" #30 August '99
Activity Estimates in IDIS
IDIS "LIVE!" #30 August '99
Adding a CHDO: A Follow-Up
IDIS "LIVE!" #13 November '97
Adding Receipted Program Income to HOME Admin. Subfunds
IDIS "LIVE!" #55 September '01
Additional Dates for New Users Group Meetings
IDIS "LIVE!" #9 June '97
Additional Issues At the Latest IDIS
IDIS "LIVE!" #2 November �96
Additional Issues At the Latest IDIS
IDIS "LIVE!" #2 November �96
Adjusting the Size of the Web390 Window
IDIS "LIVE!" #46 December '00
Advice on Separation of Duties and Completing Draws from the IDIS Security Administrator
IDIS "LIVE!" #62 April '02
Ahead of the Curve: IDIS and Year-2000 Compliance
IDIS "LIVE!" #16 February �98
Alert: Cancellation Of Old Draws
IDIS "LIVE!" #32 October '99
Alert: Cancellation of Old Draws
IDIS "LIVE!" #32 October '99
Alternative Ways To Get Started With EDI
IDIS "LIVE!" #38 April '00
Analysis Finds CDBG Activities Missing Key Data
IDIS "LIVE!" #54 August '01
Announcing The New IDIS Reference Manual Just A Click Away
IDIS "LIVE!" #27 May '99
Are You A Member Of The IDIS Listserv?
IDIS "LIVE!" #42 August '00
Are You Plugged in to Web390?
IDIS "LIVE!" #37 March '00
Attention IDIS Hotline Callers
IDIS "LIVE!" #12 October '97
Article Title
Newsletter Issue
Baltimore Hosts Pilot New-User Training Workshop
IDIS "LIVE!" #6 April '97
Better Data in Means better data out
IDIS "LIVE!" #62 April '02
Bob Meehan Named as Acting Director of IDIS
IDIS "LIVE!" #23 January '99
Article Title
Newsletter Issue
C2020 Morphs into Two New Web-Based Utilities
IDIS "LIVE!" #50 April '01
C2020 Software Not Compatible With Windows 2000
IDIS "LIVE!" #44 October '00
CAPER Reporting for Entitlement Grantees for Program Year 1999
IDIS "LIVE!" #32 October '99
CAPERs for 1997 and IDIS Reports
IDIS "LIVE!" #20 July '98
CDBG Clean-up Coming this Fall
IDIS "LIVE!" #55 September '01
CDBG ECD Answers Cleanup Questions on Presumed Benefit and ADA-Related Public Improvement Activities
IDIS "LIVE!" #65 July '02
CDBG End-Of-Year Reporting Update
IDIS "LIVE!" #33 November '99
CDBG Entitlement Communities Financial Summary Report Now In Production
IDIS "LIVE!" #30 August '99
CDBG Financial Summary Report in Pseudo
IDIS "LIVE!" #28 June '99
CDBG Float-Funded Activities in IDIS
IDIS "LIVE!" #15 January '98
CDBG Matrix Code 05D Not Valid For LMA
IDIS "LIVE!" #37 March '00
CDBG Matrix Code 10 Q&A
IDIS "LIVE!" #34 December '99
CDBG Matrix Code Cleanup Begins
IDIS "LIVE!" #60 February '02
CDBG Performance Reporting Q&A
IDIS "LIVE!" #9 June '97
CDBG Program Office Provides Workaround for Completing "Canceled with Draws" Activities
IDIS "LIVE!" #71 February '03
CDBG Timeliness Report Bug
IDIS "LIVE!" #39 May '00
CDBG Timeliness Report Currently Unavailable
IDIS "LIVE!" #45 November '00
CDBG Timeliness Report Needs Manual LOC Adjustment
IDIS "LIVE!" #40 June '00
Census Bureau to Replace Long form with annual sample
IDIS "LIVE!" #58 December '01
Changes Forthcoming: States and EDI
IDIS "LIVE!" #13 November '97
Changes to Entitlement Training
IDIS "LIVE!" #17 March '98
Changing the Activity Completion Date on MA04
IDIS "LIVE!" #62 April '02
Chicago's Users Group Meeting Largest Ever
IDIS "LIVE!" #7 May '97
Clean Up of HOME Data Begins
IDIS "LIVE!" #29 July '99
Close Encounters of the IDIS Kind
IDIS "LIVE!" #1 October '96
Combining HOME Activities with Duplicate Addresses
IDIS "LIVE!" #62 April '02
Come Visit Us in Washington
IDIS "LIVE!" #11 September '97
Coming Soon: ACD
IDIS "LIVE!" #16 February �98
Comments Roll in on HOME ROCS! Proposed Screen Redesigns
IDIS "LIVE!" #69 December '02
Community 2020 and Low/Mod Service Areas
IDIS "LIVE!" #15 January '98
Community 2020 Software
IDIS "LIVE!" #12 October '97
Community 2020 Update
IDIS "LIVE!" #40 June '00
Complete SF1 data are available on the Census Bureau's web site
IDIS "LIVE!" #56 October '01
Completed Your HOPWA Data Cleanup?
IDIS "LIVE!" #63 May '02
Connect to IDIS with Internet Explorer or Netscape
IDIS "LIVE!" #51 May '01
Consolidated Annual Performance And Evaluation Reporting For Entitlement Grantees For Program Year 2000
IDIS "LIVE!" #45 November '00
Cookie Questions
IDIS "LIVE!" #31 September '99
IDIS "LIVE!" #12 October '97
IDIS "LIVE!" #11 September '97
COSCDA Acknowledges That CPD Has Made IDIS "Ready" for States
IDIS "LIVE!" #35 January '00
CPD Activity Funding Clean-Up Finds 150 Suspect Grants and Subgrants
IDIS "LIVE!" #38 April '00
CPD and IT Evaluate Over 200 User Requests for Fixes and Enhancements
IDIS "LIVE!" #45 November '00
CPD Plan Calls for States To Go Live in IDIS by May, 2000
IDIS "LIVE!" #35 January '00
CPD Responds to Enhancement Requests
IDIS "LIVE!" #41 July '00
CPD SF1 Census Data Extract May Help to Prepare Con Plan
IDIS "LIVE!" #56 October '01
CPD To State Offices: �Training Ready When You Are�
IDIS "LIVE!" #30 August '99
Article Title
Newsletter Issue
Danville Hosts Virginia Grantee
IDIS "LIVE!" #9 June '97
Departmental Grants System
IDIS "LIVE!" #23 January '99
Deputy Assistant Secretary Bregon announces kick off of three-part CDBG Data Improvement Initiative
IDIS "LIVE!" #59 January '02
Determining Commitment and CHDO Reservation Totals
IDIS "LIVE!" #63 May '02
DGMS Grant Program Inventory on HUD web
IDIS "LIVE!" #49 March '01
DGMS Project on hold
IDIS "LIVE!" #60 February '02
DGMS Rollout Delayed
IDIS "LIVE!" #41 July '00
DGMS Rollout Delayed
IDIS "LIVE!" #40 June '00
DGMS: Absorbing IDIS in 2001
IDIS "LIVE!" #27 May '99
Directory of IDIS Users
IDIS "LIVE!" #5 March '97
Directory of IDIS Users
IDIS "LIVE!" #4 February '97
Directory of IDIS Users
IDIS "LIVE!" #3 January �97
Do You Still Need LOCCS Access After Converting To IDIS?
IDIS "LIVE!" #42 August '00
Does The TAU Know If Your HOME Data Clean Up Is Completed?
IDIS "LIVE!" #33 November '99
Downloading IDIS Files from the Internet
IDIS "LIVE!" #6 April '97
Downloading Reports with Web390 Software
IDIS "LIVE!" #33 November '99
Article Title
Newsletter Issue
EDI Live Update
IDIS "LIVE!" #43 September '00
EDI Phase One: True Implications
IDIS "LIVE!" #26 April '99
EDI Phase Two: Update
IDIS "LIVE!" #27 May '99
EDI Pilot Program Heads Toward Phase I
IDIS "LIVE!" #21 September '98
EDI Y2k Compliant
IDIS "LIVE!" #34 December '99
EDI: Phase I Functioning in Louisiana
IDIS "LIVE!" #25 March '99
Effective December 14, the same person cannot create and approve a draw
IDIS "LIVE!" #57 November '01
Electronic PER Submission Means Easier State CDBG Data Conversion
IDIS "LIVE!" #30 August '99
Enhanced Drawdown Process
IDIS "LIVE!" #21 September '98
Entitlement Grantee Training Continues, Don't Miss Out!
IDIS "LIVE!" #41 July '00
Entitlement Grantee Training Continues, Don't Miss Out!
IDIS "LIVE!" #39 May '00
Entitlement Grantee Training Continues, Don't Miss Out!
IDIS "LIVE!" #38 April '00
Entitlement Grantee Training Continues, Don't Miss Out!
IDIS "LIVE!" #37 March '00
Entitlement Grantee Training Continues, Don't Miss Out!
IDIS "LIVE!" #36 February '00
Entitlement Grantee Training Continues, Don't Miss Out!
IDIS "LIVE!" #35 January '00
Entitlement Training
IDIS "LIVE!" #33 November '99
ESG Project & Activity Structure
IDIS "LIVE!" #53 July '01
ESRI, Inc. Mails Arcview Software To C2020 Users
IDIS "LIVE!" #52 June '01
Exclusively "LIVE!"
IDIS "LIVE!" #1 October '96
Extended TAU Hours to Assist with Web390 Setup
IDIS "LIVE!" #43 September '00
Extra Web390 and IDIS Support Available
IDIS "LIVE!" #44 October '00