HUD HOC Reference Guide

Hazards & Nuisances: Flood Zones and Insurance

Chapter 1
Appraisal & Property Requirements
Page 1-18c

General Requirements can be found in: Mortgagee Letter 2005-48 (existing properties over 1 year old), HUD Handbooks 4000.2 Rev-3 Section 2-6,& 4150.2 Section 2-2 & Mortgagee Letter 99-34 for new construction (not applicable to condominium projects).

Appraisers are required to verify whether the subject property is located in a designated flood zone and indicate the designation on the appraisal form together with the flood map panel number and map date.

Please Contact FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping ( for more information on National Flood Insurance Program maps.

Content Archived: October 25, 2012