HUD HOC Reference Guide

Hazards & Nuisances: Avalanche Hazards

Chapter 1
Appraisal & Property Requirements
Page 1-18j

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200.926d(b)(3) ( requires that the property shall be free of those foreseeable hazards or adverse condition which may affect the health and safety of the occupants or the structural soundness of the property. It has been determined that this includes properties in avalanche slide or run-out areas.

Property located in either the Red or Blue Zones are ineligible for FHA insurance and should be rejected. Red Zones (Black/extreme on some maps) are those that have positive danger and are in the path of a routine slide (less than a 100 year occurrence probability). Blue Zone (Red/high on some maps) is an area identified as having the potential for snow blast damage in a 100 year slide but limited probability to cause severe damage to a structure. More on these zones can be found at the free web sites listed as references below.

Due to the extreme hazards to the health and safety of the occupants, the Department will not entertain request for waivers of this requirement unless it has been determined that construction of diversionary structures (engineered and constructed in accordance with plans by an approved Avalanche Specialist) have been constructed.

Reference: " Mears Avalanche Assessment for Anchorage", Avalanche Zoning by Art Mears and "City (Juneau) and Borough Avalanche Assessment" and United States Avalanche Danger Descriptors.

Content Archived: October 25, 2012