2002 - 2004
- HUD Announces Over $113,000 in Housing Assistance to Billings (08/07/2002)
- HUD Announces Over $146,000 in Housing Assistance to Missoula (08/07/2002)
- Tom Friesen Named HUD Field Office Director for Montana (12/09/2002)
- HUD Grants to Help Families Across Montana (10/23/2003)
- Reform to Section 8 Aims to Help Families Achieve Self-Sufficiency (02/12/2004)
- Bush Administration Announces $13.2 Million to Stimulate Economic Development and Housing in Montana (05/06/2004)
- HUD Secretary Jackson Announces More Than $500,000 in Downpayment Assistance for First-Time Homebuyers in Montana (06/02/2004)
- Bush Administration Awards $838,451 to Boost Economic Development and Job Growth in Four Rural Montana Communities (07/16/2004)
2005 - 2006
- Bush Administration Announces Record $1.4 Billion to Help Hundreds of Thousands of Homeless Individuals and Families (01/25/2005)
- HUD Announces $20.7 Million in Grants to Public Housing Agencies (04/15/2005)
- Jackson Recognizes Montana for Increasing Access to Affordable Housing (07/14/2005)
- HUD Awards Grant to Continue Fight Against Housing Bias (10/27/2005)
- Bush Administration Announces $2.4 Million in Grants to House and Serve Thousands of Homeless Individuals and Families in Montana (12/20/2005)
- HUD Awards the Gros Ventre & Assiniboine Tribes of Fort Belknap $2,159,860 in Grants to Improve Housing Conditions for Native Americans (03/22/2006)
- HUD Awards $600,000 for Affordable Housing and Economic Development in Rural Montana (10/06/2006)
- City of Billings Awarded $99,987 Grant to Help Fight Housing Discrimination (10/20/2006)
- HUD Announces Nearly $9 Million to Assist Elderly, Disabled (01/18/2007)
- HUD/FHA Increases Mortgage Limits in Gallatin County, Montana (02/08/2007)
- HUD Announces $1.4 Million for Affordable Housing and Community Development in Great Falls, Montana (06/18/2007)
- HUD Announces $1.2 Million for Affordable Housing and Community Development in Billings, Montana (07/18/2007)
- HUD Awards $600,000 for Affordable Housing and Economic Development in Rural Montana (09/11/2007)
- City of Billings Awarded $99,923 Grant to Help Fight Housing Discrimination (10/16/2007)
- Bush Administration Announces More Than $643 Million to Help Very Low-Income Elderly and People With Disabilities (10/30/2007)
- HUD Awards Nearly $60 Million to Help Individuals Find Jobs (12/12/2007)
- Bush Administration Announces $2,556,052 to Support Homeless Programs in Montana (12/21/2007)
- HUD Awards Montana Department of Commerce $141,683 to Provide Permanent Housing for 35 Homeless Veterans in Montana (05/05/2008)
- HUD Awards $19.3 Million in HIV/AIDS Housing Grants to 18 Local Programs Nationwide (08/18/2008)
- HUD Awards $10.6 Million in Grants to Create, Improve Computer Centers for Public Housing Residents (09/03/2008)
- Bush Administration Awards $5 Million to Tribal Colleges and Universities (09/09/2008)
- Preston Allocates Nearly $4 Billion to Stabilize Neighborhoods in States and Local Communities Hard-Hit by Foreclosure (09/26/2008)
- Bush Administration Announces $50 Million in Housing Counseling Grants to Nearly 400 National, State and Local Agencies (10/03/2008)
- Preston Announces Funding for Disaster Assistance in Montana (10/27/2008)
- HUD Awards $49 Million in Grants to Help Low-Income Families Get Job Training and Employment (01/02/2009)
- Bush Administration Announces More Than $650 Million to Help Very Low-Income Elderly and People With Disabilities (01/13/2009)
- Obama Administration Awards Nearly $1.6 Billion in Homeless Grants to Thousands of Local Housing and Service Programs Nationwide (02/19/2009)
- HUD Approves Neighborhood Stabilization Plan in Montana (03/19/2009)
- HUD Awards $366,090 in Funding to Two Public Housing Agencies in Montana to Promote Self-Sufficiency (04/14/2009)
- Secretary Donovan Awards $3,373,327 in Recovery Act Funding to Prevent Homelessness in Montana (07/09/2009)
- Secretary Donovan Approves Recovery Act Plans for Two Communities in Montana to Revitalize Neighborhoods and Create Jobs (07/16/2009)
- HUD Awards $1,429,307 Million in HIV/AIDS Housing Funding in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota (07/22/2009)
- HUD Awards $4 Million to Native American Colleges and Universities (09/10/2009)
- Secretary Donovan Announces $214,769 in Housing Counseling Grants to Two Housing Counseling Organizations in Montana (10/14/2009)
- Obama Administration Awards $2,184,918 in Homeless Grants Throughout Montana (12/23/2009)
- HUD Awards Grants to Housing Authorities in Missoula, Montana to Help Public Housing Residents Obtain Jobs, Economic Independence (01/12/2010)
- HUD Secretary Donovan Names Rick Garcia as HUD's Rocky Mountain Regional Director (01/29/2010)
- Deputy Secretary Sims Takes Sustainable Communities Listening and Learning Tour to Denver, Colorado (02/26/2010)
- Rick Garcia is sworn in as Regional Director in HUD's Region VIII (03/15/2010)
- Public Housing Authorities in Montana Meet Critical Recovery Act Deadline, Create Nearly 21 Jobs and Rehab 392 Homes for Low-Income Families (03/25/2010)
- HUD Awards $173,963 in Grants to Help Low-Income Families in Billings and Missoula, Montana Receive Job Training, Employment (03/31/2010)
- HUD Awards $317,239 to Public Housing Agencies in Montana to Protect Rental Assistance Vouchers (04/19/2010)
- HUD Announces $12.5 Million in Community Development and Affordable Housing in State of Montana (04/19/2010)
- HUD to Provide Permanent Housing to 25 Homeless Veterans in Montana (06/03/2010)
- HUD Announces Over $1.4 Million in Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants to Great Falls, Montana (06/11/2010)
- HUD Awards $3,517,057 to Public Housing Authorities in Montana to Improve, Preserve Public Housing Across the State (06/17/2010)
- HUD Secretary Donovan Announces $251,895 in New Homeless Aid to Montana (07/07/2010)
- HUD Announces $1,310,554 Million in Community Development and Affordable Housing in Billings (07/14/2010)
- Obama Administration Awards Additional $5 Million to Stabilize Montana Neighborhoods Hard-Hit by Foreclosure (09/08/2010)
- HUD Awards $6.3 Million to Tribal Colleges and Universities (09/24/2010)
- HUD Approves $33.1 Million Financing Plan to Replace Critical Access Hospital in Dillon, Montana (09/28/2010)
- HUD Announces Additional Support to Help Montana Homeowners Struggling With Unemployment (10/05/2010)
- HUD Names Erik Amundson as Montana's Field Office Director (11/04/2010)
- Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) Helped 3,645 Individuals and Families in Montana (12/01/2010)
- Montana Housing Counseling Agencies Receive $211,318 in HUD Funding (12/23/2010)
- HUD Awards Nearly $2.5 Million to Assist Homeless Programs in Montana - As Part of Administration Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness (01/19/2011)
- Montana to Receive $301,652 in Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) Grants (03/01/2011)
- HUD Awards $205,703 in Grants to Help Low-Income Families in Montana Receive Job Training, Employment (03/24/2011)
- Two Indian Housing Authorities in Montana Receive $2 Million (04/21/2011)
- HUD Awards $1,430,000 to Tri-State HIV-AIDS Housing Program Serving Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota (04/26/2011)
- HUD Secretary Donovan Announces $324,927 in New Grants for Four Homeless Programs in Montana (04/28/2011)
- HUD Awards $576,479 to the Helena Housing Authority to Create a Center for Early Childhood Education and Adult Job Training (05/26/2011)
- HUD Announces Final FY2011 Block Grant Allocations in Montana (05/27/2011)
- HUD Awards $69,000 to Missoula Housing Authority to Help Public Housing Residents Become Economically Independent (05/31/2011)
- HUD Approves $14 Million Financing Plan to Replace Critical Access Hospital in Columbus, Montana (06/02/2011)
- HUD Awards Three Tribal Housing Authorities in Montana $579,000 to Promote Jobs, Self Sufficiency for Residents (06/09/2011)
- HUD and Neighborworks® America Announce Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program in Montana (06/20/2011)
- HUD Secretary Announces Disaster Assistance for Montana Storm Victims (06/21/2011)
- HUD Announces Missoula Will Receive over $1.1 Million for Community Development and Affordable Housing for Remainder of FY2011 (06/27/2011)
- HUD Awards $2,960,559 to Improve, Preserve Nation's Public Housing Stock in Montana (07/12/2011)
- HUD Announces Over $4 Million in Indian Housing Block Grants for Montana (07/13/2011)
- HUD, VA to Provide Permanent Housing and Support to 50 Homeless Vets in Montana (07/14/2011)
- HUD Awards Rural Innovation Funds in Montana (08/23/2011)
- Over $2.5 Million to Montana Native American Communities for Housing and Economic Development for Low-Income Families (09/06/2011)
- $309,000 for Montana to Promote Jobs, Self Sufficiency, Independent Living for HUD-Assisted Housing Residents (09/14/2011)
- $641,578 to Montana Native American Communities for Housing and Economic Development for Low-Income Families (09/19/2011)
- $175,703 for Montana to Help Low-Income Families Receive Job Training, Employment (09/22/2011)
- $600,000 to Expand Jobs and Training Opportunities for Low Income Residents (09/28/2011)
- Montana Gets $167,900 Grant to Combat Housing Discrimination (10/06/2011)
- HUD Announces Sustainable Communities Award for Montana (11/22/2011)
- $2,436,441 to 18 Homeless Programs in Montana (12/20/2011)
- $21.2 Million in Indian Housing Block Grants for Montana (02/08/2012)
- HUD Awards Montana Housing Authorities $2.5 Million to Improve, Preserve Nation's Public Housing Stock (02/10/2012)
- $300,000 for New Homeless Programs in Montana (03/13/2012)
- $145,000 in Counseling Grants to Help Families Find and Keep Housing in Montana (03/16/2012)
- HUD, VA Provides Permanent Housing and Support to More Than 50 Homeless Vets in Montana (03/27/2012)
- HUD Awards $1.5 Million to a Local HIV/AIDS Housing Program in Montana (03/29/2012)
- $3 Million in Grants to Promote Affordable Housing and Economic Development in Native American Communities in Montana (05/01/2012)
- More Than $167,900 in Grants to Combat Housing Discrimination in Montana (05/11/2012)
- HUD Secretary Announces Disaster Assistance for Montana Fire Victims (08/16/2012)
- HUD Approves $32 Million Mortgage to Replace St. John's Lutheran Hospital in Libby Montana (08/29/2012)
- HUD Charges Owner, Developer and Builder of Montana Apartment Building With Discriminating Against Persons With Disabilities (10/04/2012)
- HUD Reports Slight Decline in Nation's Homelessness in 2012 (12/10/2012)
- HUD and HHS Partner to Provide Permanent Housing and Services to Low-Income People with Disabilities (02/12/2013)
- $2,580,006 to Continue Helping Homeless Persons and Families in Montana (03/13/2013)
- $68,320 to Continue Helping Homeless Persons and Families in Montana (05/02/2013)
- HUD Offices to Close Nationwide on Friday, May 24th (05/17/2013)
- HUD and VA Team Up to Provide Permanent Homes to 70 Homeless Vets in Montana (05/29/2013)
- HUD Offices to Close Nationwide on July 22, 2013 (07/18/2013)
- HUD Offices to Close Nationwide on Friday, August 2nd (07/30/2013)
- HUD Awards Montana Housing Authorities $2,498,983 to Improve, Preserve Nation's Public Housing Stock (08/08/2013)
- HUD Awards $1,800,000 to 2 Native American Tribes in Montana for Housing and Economic Development (08/21/2013)
- HUD Awards $167,000 to Montana to Fight Housing Discrimination (09/25/2013)
- HUD Awards Over $800,000 to Promote Self-Sufficiency for Public Housing Residents in Colorado (09/27/2013)
- HUD Reports Continuing Decline in U.S. Homelessness in 2013: Local Communities Report Homelessness Rose in Montana (11/21/2013)
- HUD Awards Grant to Missoula Housing Authority to Promote Family Self-Sufficiency (01/10/2014)
- HUD Awards Over $2.5 Million to Improve, Preserve Public Housing in Montana (03/19/2014)
- HUD Provides $2.4 Million to Fund 19 Homeless Programs in Montana (04/08/2014)
- HUD Renews Support to Local HIV-AIDS Housing Program in Montana (04/24/2014)
- HUD Awards Nearly $400,000 in Housing Counseling Grants in Montana (05/22/2014)
- HUD Provides Additional $300,000 for Local Homeless Programs in Montana (06/19/2014)
- HUD Announces New Region VIII EMAD Field Director (07/01/2014)
- HUD and VA Announce Vouchers to Help 40 Homeless Veterans in Montana Find Permanent Homes (08/06/2014)
- HUD Awards $100,000 to Help Seniors and Persons with Disabilities in Montana Live Independently at Home (09/23/2014)
- HUD Awards $75 Million to Help Low-Income Residents Receive Job Training and Employment (09/29/2014)
- HUD Awards Kit Carson, Colorado $500,000 "Main Street" Grant (09/30/2014)
- HUD and VA Team Up to Help 60 Homeless Veterans in Montana Find Permanent Homes (10/01/2014)
- HUD Awards $4 Million to Six Native American Communities in Montana (10/06/2014)
- HUD Awards Over $205,000 to Fight Housing Discrimination in Montana (10/15/2014)
- HUD Reports an 8% Increase in Montana's Total Homeless Since 2010 (10/30/2014)
- Community Frameworks Wins HUD "Sweat Equity" Funds for Montana (12/03/2014)
- HUD Awards $2.6 Million for Local Homeless Programs in Montana (01/26/2015)
- HUD Awards $2.6 Million in Montana to Improve, Preserve Public Housing (02/12/2015)
- HUD Announces $27 Million to Produce Affordable Housing in Native American Communities in Montana (02/18/2015)
- HUD to Connect Low-Income Workers in Montana with Job Opportunities (04/07/2015)
- HUD Reports an Increase of Native Americans Homeowners in the Rocky Mountain Region (04/13/2015)
- HUD Awards $170,000 to Help Homeless Veterans in Montana Find Permanent Homes (04/20/2015)
- HUD Awards $1.4 Million to HIV/AIDS Housing Program in Montana (05/19/2015)
- HUD Awards Additional Housing Counseling Grants in Montana (06/15/2015)
- HUD Awards $205,838 to Group in Montana to Fight Housing Discrimination (09/30/2015)
- New Leadership Positions Announced in Rocky Mountain Region (10/09/2015)
- HUD and VA Team Up to Provide Permanent Homes to Homeless Montana Veterans (11/10/2015)
- Homelessness in Montana Fell 2.1 Percent in 2015 (11/19/2015)
- $2.7 Million to Help Public Housing Residents in Colorado Secure Higher Paying Jobs and Become Self Sufficient (12/17/2015)
- HUD Awards $244,703 to Help Low-Income Residents in Montana Find Employment and Job Training (12/17/2015)
- HUD and VA Award $229,171 to Tribes in Montana to Provide Permanent Homes (01/08/2016)
- HUD Awards $2.6 Million to Improve, Preserve Public Housing in Montana (02/12/2016)
- HUD Awards $3.1 Million for Affordable Housing and Community Development in Native American Communities in Montana (02/12/2016)
- HUD Allocates $25.5 Million to Native American Communities to Support Affordable Housing in Montana (02/16/2016)
- HUD Awards over $1.7 Million for Local Homeless Programs in Montana (03/08/2016)
- HUD Awards $355 Million for Local Homeless Programs (05/02/2016)
- HUD and VA Team Up to Find Permanent Homes for 35 Homeless Veterans in Montana (06/02/2016)
- HUD Awards Montana More than $392,000 in Housing Counseling Grants (06/21/2016)
- HUD Awards Over $244 Thousand to Help Low-Income Residents in Montana Receive Job Training and Employment (07/18/2016)
- US Departments of Labor, Housing and Urban Development Sign Partnership to Reduce Employee Misclassification in Six Western States (08/22/2016)
- HUD Awards More Than $56 Million for Housing and Community Development Projects in 77 Tribal Communities (09/12/2016)
- HUD Awards Over $205 Thousand to Fight Discrimination in Montana (09/30/2016)
- HUD Reports Homelessness in Montana Declines in 2016 (11/17/2016)
- HUD Awards $2.4 Million to Montana Homeless Programs (12/20/2016)
- HUD and VA Announce Additional Funding to Help Homeless Veterans in Rural Areas in Montana Find Permanent Homes (12/22/2016)
- HUD Awards $206,565 to Promote Jobs, Self-Sufficiency for Montana Public Housing Residents (12/23/2016)
- HUD Announces $10 Million in "Sweat Equity" Grants (01/18/2017)
- Dr. Ben Carson Sworn in as HUD Secretary (03/02/2017)
- HUD Awards $459,160 in Housing Counseling Grants in Montana (07/06/2017)
- HUD Awards Over $3.8 Million for Housing and Community Development Projects in Montana Native American Communities (09/14/2017)
- Homelessness Increases in Montana (12/06/2017)
- HUD Marks 25 Years of Helping Montana Families Become Self-Sufficient (12/15/2017)
- HUD Awards Over $1.4 Million to Renew Support to Local HIV-AIDS Housing Programs in Montana (12/22/2017)
- HUD Awards $2.5 Million to Montana Homeless Programs (01/11/2018)
- HUD Awards $300,000 to Fight Discrimination in Montana (01/23/2018)
- HUD Awards $375,000 to Promote Jobs, Self-Sufficiency for Public Housing Residents in Montana (02/20/2018)
- HUD, VA Team Up to Help 26 Homeless Veterans Find Permanent Homes in Montana (04/06/2018)
- HUD Awards Over $4.1 Million to Improve, Preserve Nation's Public Housing in Montana (05/22/2018)
- HUD and DOJ Launch Public Awareness Campaign Against Sexual Harassment in Housing (07/23/2018)
- HUD Awards Almost $1.5 Million to Renew Support to Local HIV-AIDS Housing Programs in Montana (08/29/2018)
- HUD Awards $4 Million to Assist Tribal Communities with Making Housing Safer in Montana (09/06/2018)
- Homelessness in Montana Down in 2018 (12/17/2018)
- HUD Awards Over $379,000 to Promote Employment and Self-Sufficiency for Public Housing Residents in Montana (12/21/2018)
- HUD Awards $291,000 to Help Families Reach Self-Sufficiency in Montana (02/14/2019)
- Evelyn Lim Sworn In as Regional Administrator for HUD's Rocky Mountain Region (03/04/2019)
- Trump Administration Proposes 2020 HUD Budget (03/11/2019)
- HUD Awards Over $3 Million to Montana Continuum of Care Coalition to Help End Youth Homelessness (08/29/2019)
- Trump Administration Proposes 2021 HUD Budget (02/10/2020)
- How Can I Get Help from HUD Now (03/26/2020)
- HUD Names Jacqueline Girard as Montana's Field Office Director (03/30/2020)
- HUD Allocates Second Wave of Relief Funds, Over $945,000 to Help Protect Low-Income Americans in Montana (05/01/2020)
- Pandemic Underscores Need for HUD's Foster Youth Housing Program, Department Allocates New Funding in Montana and South Dakota (05/04/2020)
- HUD Awards Over $370,000 in Housing Counseling Grants in Montana (06/16/2020)
- HUD Awards Over $310,000 in Montana to Fight Housing Discrimination (06/30/2020)
- Rental Assistance to Prevent Evictions Is an Allowable Use of the $180 Million in HUD CARES Act Funds Awarded in the Rocky Mountain Region (09/04/2020)
- HUD Provides Flexibilities for Emergency Solutions Grants Program CARES ACT Funds (09/09/2020)
- HUD Secretary Designates Fort Peck Housing Authority as New EnVision Center (09/15/2020)
- HUD Designates Snowy Mountain Development Corporation First Economic Development Agency in the Nation as EnVision Center (10/21/2020)
- HUD Awards Over $2.2 Million to Help Families Reach Self-Sufficiency in Rocky Mountain Region (12/18/2020)
- HUD Awards $34 Million to Improve, Preserve Nation's Public Housing in Rocky Mountain Region (02/23/2021)
- HUD Awards $13.5 Million in Grants to Local Communities in Montana for Affordable Housing and to Serve Individuals and Families (02/25/2021)
- HUD Awards More Than $28.6 Million for Affordable Housing Activities in Native American Communities in Montana (02/26/2021)
- Secretary Fudge Statement on the State of the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (03/30/2021)
- HUD Allocates Over $3 Million for Affordable Housing In Montana (04/06/2021)
- HUD Awards $5 Million for Affordable Housing in Tribal Communities in Montana (04/12/2021)
- HUD Announces More Than $2.6 Million to Deliver Equitable COVID-19 Relief to Tribal Communities in Montana (12/07/2021)
- Dominique Jackson Sworn in as Regional Administrator for HUD's Rocky Mountain Region (12/22/2021)
- HUD Announces $1.7 Million to Deliver Equitable COVID-19 Relief to Tribal Communities in Montana (01/18/2022)
- HUD Announces Disaster Assistance for Montana (06/16/2022)