Submitting the CPMP Tool

Announcing the new CPMP Version 2.0!
This version contains features that incorporate changes made in the Consolidated Plan final rule that became effective on March 13, 2006. It includes new worksheets dealing with annual specific objectives and annual housing goals. It also includes revisions to other worksheets that were made in response to suggestions made by grantees that used previous versions.
more... | CPMP Webpage

Contact Us
If you need help using the CPMP, or have a suggestion on how to make the CPMP more useful, send us an email to If the tool is working, let us know that too. Your feedback is important to the success of this tool!

CPMP User Manual Quick Links

You can submit your Consolidated Planning materials almost entirely in electronic format. Please be sure to save all of the different documents in your CPMP_ver2 folder for simplicity.

Soft Copy Submission by eMail:

A special CPMP mailbox has been created to receive CPMP submissions up to 2 megabytes. If you are including large files like graphical maps, you may have to send multiple eMails to submit the entire CPMP. Compress your files with WinZip or another zip program before eMailing to reduce file size. Remember, the certifications and SF 424 require signatures and must be mailed to your local Field Office regardless of whether you send a soft copy.

Compressing your files:

1. Open WinZip. There are different ways to open WinZip. It depends on your operating system. One way to open WinZip is to go to your Start menu, and look through your Program files.

Note: If you have Windows XP, you can use Windows Explorer to navigate to the files you want to compress, select them all; then right-click and select the WinZip submenu. Finally select the Add to Zip File option.

2. Depending on your preferences, WinZip will open either the WinZip Wizard or the WinZip Classic interface. If the Wizard opens, click the button for WinZip Classic.

WinZip Wizard Interface

3. In WinZip Classic, click the File menu; then select the New Archive option.

WinZip Classic with File menu expanded

4. Click the Save in: drop-down arrow and navigate to where you'd like to save your zip file.

5. Type the name of your zip file in the file name: box then click the OK button. We recommend the following naming convention be used for the file name:
[state abreviation, jurisdiction name]. These two elements would be concatonated to create the file name.

Dallas, Texas =
Indianapolis, Indiana =
California State Program =

New Archive dialog box

6. Select the files you want to compress.

Note: To select several files, click the first file then push the Shift button on your keyboard and select the rest of the files you want to add.

7. Click the Add button.

Add dialog box

8. eMail your zip file to HUD.

Soft Copy Submission by Delivery:

If you have the facilities, you may burn the materials to a compact disc (CD) and send that in.

Hard Copy Submission:

As always, you may submit materials in hard copy through the mail or delivery.

Content Archived: May 9, 2012